6th grade students participate in the ¨Proyecto Tu Obra¨: we program a robot and make a film.

In this course, 6th grade students from CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara have participated in the “Proyecto Tu Obra”, in which we have learned to program a robot, make a script and a play or video, in which the main character was the robot Galaxy (we decided that she was small and with blue pants to work on coeducation).

All the proposed objectives have been achieved, in addition to the completion of the video that has not been possible due to the confinement by the covid-19.

The 6th grade students and the teacher coordinating the project, we thank the Ondara City Council from the ground up for their funding and collaboration, and especially to Mar Chesa, as Councilor for Education, for having offered us the opportunity to participate in this interdisciplinary project, with which we have been able to work in the classroom, in a transversal way, science, mathematics, language (oral and written expression) and technology.