The Project “Cultura Gastronòmica” ends with a SUPER MASTERCLASS.

Last March, the Sanchis Guarner school in Ondara was selected from among all the schools in the Valencian Community to implement the project called "Gastronomic Culture" in which the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade students have participated. .

During 8 sessions, the students have worked on a didactic book with which they have learned to make a typical recipe. In the last session, the boys and girls enjoyed the experience of a SUPER MASTERCLASS taught by the renowned chef Noelia Pascual (Cachito Restaurant, Elche), world champion for the best paella, and the Italian chef Ferdinando Bernardi (Casa Bernardi, Benissa ), of the European Association of Eurotouches.

The students have been in charge of selecting the ingredients and preparing the recipe following the instructions of the chefs. Finally, they have enjoyed tasting their own gastronomic creations.

This project has had the collaboration of Scolarest, Anaya and Eurotoques.


Save the Children Run: “Emergency Ukraine. Miles of solidarity”.

El CEIP Sanchis Guarner d’Ondara va realitzar el passat divendres 13 de maig la II Cursa Solidària Save the Children "Emergència Ucraïna. Kilòmetres de Solidaritat". Enguany la campanya d'aquesta ONG ha estat enfocada en el conflicte d'Ucraïna amb l'objectiu principal d'ajudar als xiquets i a les xiquetes que viuen o estan patint les conseqüències del conflicte bèl·lic.

La solidaritat i col·laboració de les famílies de l'alumnat participant va permetre recaptar 2389'5 euros, que es destinaran íntegrament a aquesta ONG pels drets de la infància. La cursa va comptar amb la participació de tot l’alumnat del Col·legi Infantil Marjals i del Col·legi de Primària Sanchis Guarner d’Ondara (646 alumnes en total), de tots els nivells (els tres d’infantil i els sis cursos de primària) celebrant-se un total de 9 curses. La cursa solidària es va realitzar pels carrers Ronda de la Generalitat, Dénia i Lepanto, finalitzant en el pati de l'escola.

De forma prèvia, es va oferir a l’alumnat una sessió d’escalfament amb ball per part d’Areli Montiel i, al finalitzar, l’AMPA del Sanchis Guarner d'Ondara va oferir fruita a tot l'alumnat com a esmorzar saludable.

L'escola Sanchis Guarner agraeix la col·laboració de la Regidoria d’Esports i Educació de l’Ajuntament d’Ondara, que va proporcionar l’arc de meta i la logística necessària, i la col·laboració de la Policia Local d'Ondara pel tancament de carrers.

Sport Day – April 6th

Aquest any, l'escola Sanchis Guarner d'Ondara s'ha sumat a la celebració del Dia de l'Esport, una iniciativa de la Fundació Trinidad Alfonso, inclosa en el nou Projecte d'Esport, Activitat Física i Salut (PEAFS) de la nostra escola, amb l'objectiu de promoure l'activitat física, els valors en l'esport i els hàbits saludables.

Enguany, tot l'alumnat de 5é, ha participat en la realització d'un vídeo dinàmic i divertit sobre el Dia de l'Esport.

Més informació.

Al Sanchis, #SOM ESPORT.

25 N – International Day against Gender Violence.

25 N - International Day against Gender Violence

The 25 of November the CEIP Sanchis Guarner of Ondara commemorated the International Day against the Gender violence. Since the Commission of Equality and Coexistence proposed the preparation of "La Puerta Violeta" (The purple door), based at the song of Rozalen.

During the week of the 25 of November, at the tutories worked a handicraft, realising a purple butterfly decorated, to get conscience and sensitise at the students on the themed.

The day 25 of November lowered all the classes and each pupil hanged his butterfly at the mural.

At the same time, realised a videoclip (available at the low section) of the activity, combining the distinct images of the 25N with the pupils of sixth, that interpret the stanzas with the language of signs.

The school Sanchis Guarner of Ondara says a big "NO-NO" at any type of violence.


We visit the route “Women who leave a trace”.

Today, Wednesday November 25, coinciding with the anniversary of the International Day against sexist violence, CEIP students Sanchis Guarner de Ondara has walked the streets of the town following the route “Women who leave a trace”, the project of the Department of Equality of Ondara with which 30 pioneering and outstanding women in all disciplines are visible; a didactic and positive way to commemorate the 25N.

The different groups of the primary school, accompanied by their respective teachers and their respective professors, have been visiting the different locations where this proposal can be contemplated, receiving the corresponding explanations about each of the outstanding women.

CEIP Sanchis Guarner students scare fear in the House of Culture of Ondara.

Despite the pandemic, and following all the protocols and security measures to avoid contagion by Covid-19, last week, within the campaign “Scare the Fear 2020, for All Saints, Valencian Monsters”, last Thursday 29 and Friday, October 30 (in Todos Sants week), a “Route of Fear” was held in Ondara in the morning through the Mysterious House of Culture, for the boys and girls of the CEIP Sanchis Guarner. The “bubble” groups, accompanied by their tutors, entered in small groups of 4-5 students to enjoy this proposal.

It should be noted that “Scares the Fear, by Tots Sants, Montres Valencians” is a global project to rediscover the Valencian monsters, organized by the Library and the Department of Didactics of the Valencian Museum of Ethnology, which is made up of different activities and didactic proposals , to make the Halloween celebration “our way” with activities and proposals for girls and boys. The members of the Casa de la Cultura team dressed up as scary creatures; and they turned the space of the House of Culture into corridors and scary rooms.

The boys and girls of CEIP Sanchis Guarner enjoyed the most!

6th grade students participate in the ¨Proyecto Tu Obra¨: we program a robot and make a film.

In this course, 6th grade students from CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara have participated in the “Proyecto Tu Obra”, in which we have learned to program a robot, make a script and a play or video, in which the main character was the robot Galaxy (we decided that she was small and with blue pants to work on coeducation).

All the proposed objectives have been achieved, in addition to the completion of the video that has not been possible due to the confinement by the covid-19.

The 6th grade students and the teacher coordinating the project, we thank the Ondara City Council from the ground up for their funding and collaboration, and especially to Mar Chesa, as Councilor for Education, for having offered us the opportunity to participate in this interdisciplinary project, with which we have been able to work in the classroom, in a transversal way, science, mathematics, language (oral and written expression) and technology.


“Around the world in 80 days”: The Pedagogical Innovation project in which the Sanchis Guarner students have participated.

With the theme of the work “Around the world in 80 days” by Jules Verne as the central and vehicular axis, the students of Ondara and La Vicaría have enjoyed this morning, at Prado de Ondara, a different educational day and very interesting. What were Phileas Fogg’s menus around the world ?; What languages ​​were spoken in the countries you visited? ; What coins did they use ?; What means of transport can you travel between these countries ?; What clothing is traditional in each country in the world?… These and other questions were answered today by the students of 3rd and 2nd grade of the CEIP Sanchis Guarner, and the students of the CRA of the Retoría, as well as students of the IES Xebic de Ondara.

The IES Xebic and Sanchis Guarner faculty have been involved and actively collaborated in the organization of this initiative aimed at students, to show them global projects related to around the world. There have been several and very varied stands (among which were, for example, those of the Infant Education and Beauty cycles of the IES Xebic, as well as several departments of the institute) in which the students have been able to learn about issues such as the countries visited when going around the world, Phileas Fogg’s linguistic map, the coins and offers from around the world, novels to go around the world, the metric system vs. the imperial system, the means of transport, the makeup in the world or the food of the world, among others.

The solidarity race of CEIP Sanchis Guarner manages to raise 1,880 euros from the NGO Save the Children.

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara, the AMPA of the CEIP Sanchis Guarner and the Department of Education of the City Council of Ondara organized yesterday, Tuesday, May 14, the Y Carrera Solidaria CEIP Sanchis Guarner «Kilometers of solidarity. For the rights of the child ”, in favor of the NGO Save the Children.

The solidarity of the participating students made it possible to raise 1,880 euros, which will be allocated entirely to this NGO for the rights of the child. The race had the participation of all the students of the Marjales Children’s School and the Sanchis Gaurner de Ondara Elementary School (620 students in total), from all courses; the three of infantile, and the six primary courses, celebrating a total of 9 courses (one for each course). Previously, the students were offered a warm-up session with dance, courtesy of Areli Montiel.

The solidarity race has been organized by CEIP Sanchis Gaurner, with the active participation of teachers, and by the AMPA of CEIP, which offered fruit for lunch. This solidarity race was carried out through the streets Dénia and Alfatares, and had the collaboration of the Department of Sports and Education of the Ondara City Council (which provided the necessary logistics, with the goal arch, materials and ambulance), Local Police, and Civil Protection of Ondara.