The CEIP Sanchis Guarner participates in the education training days of les Trobades 2023

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner was at the Benissa University Campus to share experiences with teachers, directors and directors in the education training days "Escola valenciana: una Escola en construcció", framed within the programming of Les Trobades 2023.

Specifically, the director made an accurate presentation of the Educational Research and Innovation Project #Stop Cyberbullying: the wright way to ICT and the Internet and how to carry it out in other educational centers, in order to eradicate the problem that cyberbullying and bullying entails. It is important that students know the main risks and dangers of the Internet and social networks and be able to make good use of technologies.

Present were Dr. Miquel Casas, who presented a study on school failure and how to establish mechanisms to deal with it, and Carme Agulló, who gave a very interesting and exhaustive review of the life of the writer Carme Miquel.

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