Our IES Santa Pola

Detailed information


Santa Pola is a small coastal town, located in the southeast of Spain, with a population of 33.303 inhabitants.


Our students speak and study Spanish and Valencian (our regional language). 1st foreign language: English and 2nd foreign language: French.

IES Santa Pola

We have 701 pupils and 78 teachers. Moreover, the pupils are between 12 and 18 years old.



Axes of work: Coeducation and coexistence, climate action, Inclusion and quality education.

"Instituto Santa Pola Innova y Avanza"

Academic Offer

We offer ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education), Bachillerato (Upper Secondary Education) and FPB (Basic Vocational Studies)

ICT equipment

All classroom have PC, projector and internet connections (wifi). We also have six portable trolley with tablets and three computer labs.

Did you know that the IES is participating in the Erasmus + programme?

IES Santa Pola

You can access the complete presentation of our institute.

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