Erasmus + project. IES Santa Pola

Erasmus + Accreditation

Our experience and good work during the four consecutive years in KA101 (teacher mobilities) and KA229 (student mobilities) has allowed us to obtain one of the 366 Erasmus Accreditations for the period 2021-2027 for the whole of Spain.

The Erasmus + Projects of IES Santa Pola are a fundamental axis of our Innovation and Improvement Plan "ISIA" (Instituto Santa Pola Innova y Avanza). The aim of these projects is to adapt the teaching-learning process and coexistence in our school to the demands of today's society, in constant evolution and change, and to bring the European spirit to the life of the school.

Below is a chronology of the different Erasmus + projects at IES Santa Pola:


* Debido a la situación actual en Europa y a las restricciones en la movilidad, algunos de los proyectos han tenido que modificar sus fechas y sus movilidades.

This Accreditation will allow us to carry out student and teacher mobilities for 6 years, with the aim of working on some of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the Europe 2020-2030 Agenda, such as coeducation, climate emergency and quality education.


Erasmus + projects. IES Santa Pola


Coexistence and innovation: challenges for improvement

2018/2019 - To improve the methodology of the teaching staff, the teaching-learning process, the organisation and functioning of the centre, coexistence... in short, to achieve a global and sustainable improvement in the centre, directing actions towards pedagogical and technological innovation.

Openning minds, Changing lives

2019/2020 - The aim is to achieve structural and sustainable change at the school. One of the priorities is the improvement of English language proficiency in order to successfully address the challenges of 21st century education.


"Maicromachismos": working for equality in Europe

KA2 - 2019/2020 - First project with student mobility. A total of 29 students from both schools are taking part: 15 students from IES Santa Pola and 14 from Lycée Rémi Belleau.

Innovate to educate, learn to advance

2020/2021 - To achieve a structural and sustainable change in the school. This change began to take place in the 2016/17 academic year when we designed our ISIA (Santa Pola Institute Innovates and Advances) Innovation Plan with the main objective of adapting the teaching-learning processes to the challenges of education in the current century.


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the IES Santa Pola, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information  contained therein.

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