Our centre IES POU CLAR is partner of an Erasmus Accredited Erasmus consortium (2020-1-ES01-KA120-VET-094988) coordinated by ATEVAL. We have successfully implemented the accredited project n. 2021-1-ES01-KA121-VET-000009216, that ended last October.

Overall, 77 mobilities were carried out:

– 55 Erasmus PRO mobility for carrying out traineeship in companies abroad, lasting 92 days in average addressed tono VET learners, of which 4 were carried out in Ireland, 39 in Italy and 12 in Malta

– 3 SHORT mobility for carrying out traineeship in companies in Italy lasting 67 days in average addressed tono VET learners

– 16 job-shadowing mobilities for staff, of which 1 in Ireland, 13 in Italy and 2 in Malta;

– 2 mobilities for staff tono carry out a mobility training course in Ireland

The results achieved were very positive, in terms of the acquisition of profesional, linguistic and transversal skills