Rincón bohemio

Dibujos de dos artistas de 2º de BAC NOCTURNO

27 de abril de 2022
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More horror stories

3 de diciembre de 2021
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Last night I took me a long time to fall asleep because of the sinister look of the man in that painting.

This morning I realized that it was not a painting. It was a window.

Julia Encarnación del Barco


The pilot was determined. He was going to kill the entire crew  while the plane descended rapidly.  He had never had suicidal temptations but when he saw through the cameras how they were devouring each other…  He could not allow it to spread throughout the world.

Jorge Moreno


The police found my son in the forest and they brought him back home.  But he wasn’t my son.  I know that he isn’t my son because I killed him and buried him in the forest. 

Pedro Moreno


She woke me up with a smile on their face.  I asked:  “Are you dead?”  She answered:  “Are you?”

Marina Rodrigo


Yesterday I heard my mom singing.  The problem is that she died last week in the bathroom when she was singing.

Hugo Hernández


It was 3 a.m. in the morning when I woke up and I started seeing some shadows on the walls, cupboards,  in the ceiling, ….  I was afraid but I got up and turned the lights on.  And when I turned them on I saw my friends trying to play a prank on me!!!!

Lorenzo Escanciano


If you’re not afraid, remember I’m under your bed…

Mateo Jimenez 

Segundo relato ganador del concurso de «Halloween» organizado por el Departamento de Inglés

18 de noviembre de 2021
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Valentina Guerrero Revello 4ESOB – Ghost story

One dark and rainy day, while I was walking through the woods, I heard a strange noise behind me. When I turned around, I didn’t see anything, so I calmed down… It was probably just a branch. I kept walking until I heard a bush moving. I was curious about what was hiding behind the bush, so I decided to approach it…

First one step, then another one, and another one, and another one… And while I was just about to give the last step, a happy little squirrel ran from behind the bush. «Just a little squirrel», I thought to myself while I continued heading to my destination, but… Wait!, what destination? Where am I going? What am I doing in the middle of the woods?

I couldn’t remember anything and I was starting to feel really dizzy… Suddenly, all I saw was black. When I woke up, all I knew was that I had to get out of there, so when a couple of tourists were heading my way, I saw my opportunity. I started to explain my situation, but they passed right through me!

They couldn’t see nor hear me. Desperate, I tried to communicate for hours with no result. Hours became days, days became months, months became years and years became centuries…

Relato ganador del concurso de Halloween organizado por el Departamento de Inglés «Ghost stories»

12 de noviembre de 2021
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The creature in my sleep

by David Guirao, 4th ESO

I have a fear of sleeping. Everytime I try, I get sleep paralysis, and everytime I do it, I see horrible things.

One night however, once I drifted to sleep, late at night… It had happened again.

I opened my eyes, and looked around the room in a panic while trying to move my body to wake up.

There’s a number of different creatures that visit me in this state, each one more horrifying than the last one.

Looking at the corner I saw it, and a terrible feeling of dread overtook me as it started to move closer… The tall, slim, dark figure, with so big eyes that they felt like they were going to pop out of its sockets at any second, was staring back with its small pitch black pupils alongside a grin that showed off a million yellowish teeth.

One step at a time, wobbling like it was going to fall over at any second, but never doing so, the creature dragged itself closer to me.

Something about the way it was moving made it look like it was already dead, and yet, it appeared to force itself to stay alive just to meet me.

I closed my eyes, praying that I would wake up soon, repeating in my head that it wasn’t real, that it was no more dangerous than a dream.

But I felt its cold, long, thin fingers wrap around my arm a few times. Then I felt weight on my chest. And then a breath as cold as death on my face.

I instinctively open my eyes and see it inches away from my face, still grinning… Its hands move to my neck and I struggle to breathe as I try to scream but nothing will come out. I close my eyes and attempt to move my toes, tongue, fingers… anything that might move and wake me up. And surprisingly, it worked. I panted as I touched my neck and looked around the room.

A wave of relief comes upon me as there’s no horrible being to be seen… But it isn’t for long as my blood runs cold again. The door to my room is open, despite me closing it before going to sleep…

Adaptación del Tratado I de «El Lazarillo de Tormes»

18 de mayo de 2021
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Helena Díaz y Paula Crespo, de 1º BAC A, realizan una adaptación del Tratado I de El Lazarillo de Tormes

Infografías literarias 2º BAC A y F

17 de mayo de 2021
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Infografías literarias 2º BAC A y F

Interpretaciones de Baudelaire

12 de mayo de 2021
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Alumnos de Literatura Universal interpretan poemas de Baudelaire

Tommy López, 1º BAC D (Artes).

Flor Arbulo, 1º BAC D (Artes).

Alicia Llópez, 1º BAC D (Artes).</strong

Cómic de «El Lazarillo de Tormes»

22 de marzo de 2021
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Este cómic ha sido realizado por las alumnas Carla Manrique, Guada Dans y Miriam Toumeh, de 1º BAC D (Artes)

Microrelats 25N- 32

18 de febrero de 2021
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Microrelats 25N – 31

18 de febrero de 2021
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