As in previous years, the educational community of IES María Blasco commemorated the 25th, International Day for the Elimination of Gender Violence, with activities, music and a central event in the school playground with the main objective of giving visibility to such an important date. From the tutorials, awareness-raising activities were carried out among the students to help put an end to this social scourge. The planned activities included murals and artistic installations in different areas of our school, as well as educational material to work on in class and the Performance in the school playground. The 2nd of Bachillerato students collaborated in this event, which began with the reading of a manifesto, followed by the performance "Trapped" and the reading of the names of this year's victims, and ended with a minute's silence by the entire educational community in tribute to the victims of gender violence. From IES María Blasco and with these acts we want to publicly express our condemnation of male violence and join in the pain of the families of the victims.