Media Centre and Library Services
Media Centre and Library Services
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What is Media Library?
The Media Library (Mediateca) is the space provided by the school for socialising with people who, like you, would like to practise the language they are studying. Activities throughout the course such as “Conversation meetings”, “Workshops to share leisure time”, “Karaoke” or “Poetic Mondays”.
In addition, if you like reading, the Media Library offers you the possibility to carry out your learning in a more personal way, as you have spaces such as the “Library”, the “Reading Boards” or the “Free Book”; there are also “Music Boards” where you will find songs in the languages offered at the school. There is also a virtual corner with self-learning tools to make your language study more effective online.
These and many more activities are designed not only for the school’s students, but also for the general public, to provide a real, varied and fun approach to languages and language learning.
This space has been created thanks to the effort and joint work of a group of teachers who, with a lot of motivation, make it possible.
Contact: mediatecaeoialicante@gmail.com

The library facilities are located on the first floor of the school. It has a lending service, a study room and, opposite the door, reading recommendations.
Library opening hours: CLOSED until the end of September
Conversation meetings
These meetings are linguistic exchanges between students of the different languages taught at the school and foreign students who also study Spanish here. They take place on the first floor of our school.
Find out the dates and times of the next meetings here.
Workshops, talks and other activities
The aim of these activities is to share interesting moments with other people:
- En the workshops aim to enable anyone to share their leisure time hobbies with a group and to do so in the language of their choice and in the way that is most comfortable for them.
- We offer the opportunity to discuss books or films that are of interest.
- Finally, we organise different types of activities to share fun and special moments (karaoke, book tasting, etc.).
Upcoming scheduled projects: activity, day, time and language:
La Chanson française / Reading Circle / New English Conversation Groups / Cata de libros
Poetic Mondays
We encourage you to record a video or audio in the language of your choice reciting a poem that moves you, moves you, amuses you, or that you simply know. We will listen to you on Mondays and Tuesdays in the school foyer.
You can find more information here. (not available).
Reading and music boards
In order to bring literature closer to everyone, on the fifth and sixth floors of our centre you will find boards with QR codes with which you can download readings in the language of your choice.
Similarly, on the staircase landings you will find boards with more QR codes for music in the different languages studied at the school.
Free Book
We have set up a reading corner in the school foyer, next to the main staircase, with a “Free Book” shelf so that you can free your books and give them to others for free and anonymously. We encourage you to donate books to be read by someone else.
Self-study resources
Here you will find tools for self-learning, so that you can work independently on learning the language you are studying.
Photo Gallery
Horario del centro / Contacto
De lunes a jueves de 8 a 21 horas. Los viernes de 8 a 14 horas.
Marqués de Molins, 56-58, 03004, Alicante (España)
+34 965 93 70 15