IoT Course

During this month of January and February, is being carried out a IoT course for teachers of Vocational Training of different professional families, organized by Advanced Digital Innovation Centre (CIDA) and Cefire of Alcoi. Through the course, teachers will work in a practical way the use of sensors, data collection and data management in the cloud. It is carried out through a basic kit that has been distributed to the centres.

Currently, 31 centres in the Valencian Community are participating, 20 different Professional Families, with a total of approximately 100 teachers.

The main objectives of the course are: to bring this type of technology to the classroom, through challenges, working with active methodologies, as well as to promote interdisciplinary projects between Professional Families and Centres on this subject.

This Saturday, 22 January, we held the first face-to-face classroom session, divided into two headquarters, Alicante and Valencia, where the teaching staff carried the practices and solved their doubts.