💻Digital Identity

The Collaborative Digital Centre (hereinafter, CDC), is a project of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Model, through the General Directorate of Information and Communication Technologies.

Since September 2022, CEIP La Rambla has been a Collaborative Digital Centre and all its members, teachers and students, have a DIGITAL IDENTITY.

The Digital Identity is a corporate email address of the Ministry of Education, with practically unlimited space both in email and cloud storage, as well as a license to use applications such as Word, Powerpoint…

Click here to access Webfamilia or log in from the app.

It is a corporate email address of the Ministry of Education, with practically unlimited space both in email and cloud storage, as well as a license to use applications such as Word, Powerpoint…

The credentials to access and use these applications can be obtained from Web Familia, by clicking on your child’s name.

The student accounts follow the pattern:


“First name” being the first three characters of your name, “ap1” being the first three characters of your first surname, and “ap2” being the first three characters of your second surname. Example: For a student named: Pepe Castelló Martínez, his email would be: pepcasmar@alu.edu.gva.es.

That account, along with the initial password listed in Webfamilia below, are your passport to the entire Microsoft ecosystem.

A good way to start using your Digital Identity is to go to the address microsoft365.com

From here, you can “Log In” in either of the two ways marked in the image:

First, enter your email address:

Here’s the password:

When you sign in, the Microsoft 365 home screen will appear.

The flagged apps are the main ones that can be used. In short:

The Digital Identity will be the same throughout their schooling in the Valencian Community.

At school we will carry out different activities where we will use some of these applications.

We invite you to try access to Microsoft 365 and even communicate with your child’s guardian through Outlook, as it is a protected corporate environment.


There are two options:

Change password: Enter your current password and set a new password on the next screen. Click to change password: https://acces.edu.gva.es/sso/ad/ad.change.xhtml

Remember/recover your password: using the “Remember password” link you can set a new password in case you have forgotten it. To do this, we have to enter the date of birth and the recovery key shown in the different applications. Click to remember https://acces.edu.gva.es/sso/ad/ad.forgot.xhtml

The new password must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum length of 8 characters.
  • The new password must include at least one uppercase, one lowercase, and one number

More information here CDC.

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