School calendar 2023-2024

According to the agreement of the Municipal School Council, at the meeting held on July 25, 2023, the academic calendar for the next year is as follows:

Click on the image to download.


Solidarity challenge ‘Food is not thrown away’

We already have the results of the challenge:

In the weighing of leftovers from the dining room in February, we obtained the amount of 12,655 kg. In the weighing of May they were 9,990 kg., a difference of -2,665 kg.

Challenge achieved!


Raimundo’s fountain cleaning

The 5th grade students went yesterday to remove the rubbish from the Raimundo fountain. It is the final activity of the language project. We filled four large bags with plastic, paper and glass, but we realized that there is still garbage. We would like the whole town to participate in a garbage collection.

Raymond's fountain needs our help!


Instructions on the use of the mask

According to a letter from the Autonomous Secretary of Education received today, as of April 25, 2022, the use of the mask is governed by the following points:

  • The use of masks is no longer mandatory in general in all spaces of the educational center for both students and teachers and non-teaching staff of the centers.
  • All people over 6 years of age, not included in the exception cases, must wear masks on school transport.
  • Both people positive for COVID-19 and their close contacts, in the 10 days following the onset of symptoms or diagnosis in asymptomatic cases, must wear a surgical mask (UNE-EN 14386).
  • The use of a mask is necessary as a protection measure in workers with a greater vulnerability to COVID-19 infection (over 60 years of age, intrinsic or extrinsic immunocompromised and pregnant), in those situations in which there is prolonged contact with people at a distance of less than 1.5 m.
  • The use of a mask is recommended in those spaces where the safety distance of 1.5 meters cannot be maintained and ventilation is not guaranteed.
  • Since maintaining the use of the mask is a personal decision, the center will ensure respect for diversity.