
eTwinning is part of Erasmus+ program, it is a European Union program for education. eTwinning allows students to work in collaborative projects with partners from other conuntries. In addition, it allows teachers to know other colleagues with the same interests, to build projects together and to participate in formative events.

Our school has participated in eTwinning projects from 2015-16 year. The students involved are mainly vocational training pupils from Web Aplications Development studies. They have participated in eTwinning projects most of the years and they have raised the National Quality Label and the European Quality Label recognition for each project they have developed.

Furthermore, our school has an eTwinning Ambassadors, the teacher Raül Canals, who is implicated in this projects and help other teachers to introduce in this passionate world.

Last year, Medium Degree Microcomputing Systems and Networks students, 1st F group, took part during all the course in the eTwinning project NETWORK – New Education To Wide OuR Knowledge, along with the Escola Básica e Secundária da Batalha, in Batalha, Portugal, and the Borusan Asım Kocabıyık Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, in Istanbul, Turkey.

Students worked in groups, each group had components from the three shools, and created a digital presentation oin relation with computer networks. Telecommunications history, the OSI model, the TCP/IP model, transmission mediums, network commands, IP addresses, static routing and DHCP server were the topics.

All along the course they did activities, they worked at school and also at home, we organised videoconferences and Kahoot games, and finally, pupils exposed their work in a webinar.

The experience was very enriching, pupils met students and teachers from other countries. Students collaborated and coordinated between them, in order to make a work, they employed different web tools and exercised and improved the use of the English.

Now, the Spanish eTwinning Support Service (NSS) has awarded our task with the eTwinning Quality Label. This award is for the NETWORK project, for our school IES Severo Ochoa of Elx, for the teachers involved and, especially, for the 2015-16 year students in 1st F group. Thanks you all and, congratulations!