Valencian ball to the school.

Last Thursday we were visited by two pelotaris from our region, Tomás II de Xaló (Juan Bautista Buigues) and Pedro de Pedreguer.

The 4th grade students approached our most native sport with them: the Valencian Ball, doing a first theoretical part and then a practice of the traditional ball game.

This activity is included in the sport, physical activity and health project of our center (PEAFS).

The Pelota en la Escuela program is a program that was born in 2005 in the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in order to introduce the Valencian pelota in the educational centers of the Valencian Community and that the Valencian Pelota Federation, as a recognized public entity officially to promote our sport, is in charge of applying it, coordinating and organizing the different activities under the supervision and collaboration of the Valencian Pelota Coordination Department of the *DGE.

This program is the first contact with the Valencian ball for the vast majority of students who in this way know and practice our national sport. In addition, students acquire the values ​​of sport and more specifically those transmitted by the Valencian ball, among which we highlight, in addition to the psychomotor inherent to any sport, the psychological values: the traditional environment in the ball enhances mental improvements, since this environment is characterized by a lack of individualism and little prominence of competitiveness, which makes solidarity and cooperation appear, social values ​​such as coexistence, respect, integration or tolerance, cultural and historical values ​​derived from the centuries-old tradition to the Valencian Country or linguistic values ​​such as the richness of vocabulary or linguistic diversity.
