The students of the CEIP Sanchis Guarner of Ondara enjoy the theater in English, in the bullring.

CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara students enjoyed two theater sessions in English, in charge of the Culture Theater Forum, for children and elementary school students from Ondara. On the one hand, for the children of Infantile and the first cycle of primary school, the play “My Little Library” was offered at 9:30 am; and for the 2nd and 3rd cycle of primary school, the play The New Little Library was offered at 12 noon.

It should be mentioned that at the end of each school term, the Ondara City Council programs theaters for all the students of the Marjals and Sanchis Guarner Schools. Within «La Joya de la cultura» to make «safe culture» in these times of pandemic, the activity was carried out in a municipal open-air space, skill with covid-19 prevention protocols, such as the Ondara.

Both students and teachers enjoyed the most with these open-air theater sessions, which were held to end the term before the Easter and Easter holidays.