Ends the AULA CICLISTA project taught by the FCCV to 5th and 6th grade students.

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara finalizes the AULA CICLISTA project, an educational innovation project developed jointly by the Cycling Federation of the Valencian Community (FCCV) and the Department of Education, Culture and Sport whose objective is to promote the practice of the activity physics and the knowledge and dissemination of cycling in the school environment, promote the use of the bicycle as a model of sustainable mobility and train healthy habits and education in values.

The programme, aimed at students in the 5th and 6th years of Primary Education and 1st and 2nd years of Compulsory Secondary Education, consists of three sessions where students receive training on healthy living, road safety, use of the bicycle and cycling as a sport, he becomes familiar with its use through a practical session and faces everyday situations to master road regulations and the handling of the bicycle in a tour of an urban circuit around the neighborhoods and municipal districts of the town of Ondara.

Ondara Local Police has collaborated with the security and accompaniment device, marking the safest and most appropriate itinerary that does not interfere with the normal circulation of vehicles in the area.

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner is part of the network of centers CEPAFE, Educational Center for the Promotion of Physical Activity and Sport.
