The Sanchis Guarner school in Ondara has been awarded three European eTwinning awards.

CEIP Sanchis Guarner has been awarded the European Quality Seal in three projects on the prestigious eTwinning language platform. The awarded eTwinning projects have been:

Meet Europe and learn Languages! European Day of Languages, developed by English teacher Rosa Ana Marí. With this project, students have practiced English in an innovative way, sharing songs and educational games online with schools in 23 member countries, through the use of web 2.0 educational platforms.

English with Games, a project developed by the English teacher Maria Dolores Monzó and shared with schools in Jordan, Poland and Turkey, whose main objective is the creation and use of educational games to learn English in a playful and fun way using the electronics devices.

Industry 4.0 Time, Robotic Coding. Developed by Raül Lara, it is a project for the exchange of technological experiences to develop the computational thinking of students in the use of block programming and educational robotics. A cooperative work with Turkey, France, Italy, Romania and Portugal.

ETwinning is part of Erasmus+ and is an educational program of the European Union whose main objective is the exchange of projects and activities between different European schools online through technologies and making use of these, promoting and enhancing participatory work. and collaboration between teachers and students from the different member countries. With the webcam and interactive screens, the classes of the European Schools are virtually united to work cooperatively.

On the official website of the school you have all the information about the projects. Click here.

Europe English with games
Europe Meet Europe
Europe Industry 4

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