EduSalut Teacher’s course: First Aid, Healthy nutrition and CPR

The teaching staff of the CEIP Sanchis Guarner of Ondara has carried out the EduSalut course: First Aid, healthy nutrition and CPR during the first and second trimesters. This Course-Workshop, developed within the Teacher Training Plan and managed by the Gandia CEFIRE, is part of the Menja't el Món. EScola saludable Research and Educational Innovation Project, lasting two years, which is being carried out from this school year 2021-2022.

The following aspects have been covered in this training:

  • Establish actions to improve health habits in the school.
  • Identify the different alterations linked to childhood diseases and know what action guidelines are appropriate.
  • How to advise families on healthy habits in the family environment.
  • Protocolize and know the actions of the faculty in the face of chronic diseases of the student body. Allergies, intolerances, epilepsy, asthma and diabetes.
  • Establish actions to improve daily health habits in the school.
  • Identification and action in injuries (wounds, stings, bruises and burns) and in cases of altered consciousness (lipothymia, fainting).
  • Know how to identify and solve a vital emergency situation. Performance of the appropriate cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) procedure for each age, the Heimlich maneuver against drowning, and the lateral safety position. Know the application procedure of the automatic external defibrillator (AED) in cases of cardiorespiratory arrest.

This Course-Workshop, taught by the director of the Ondara Health Center, Xaro Pons, and the nurses Ana Pastor and Andrea Armengol, has been very positively valued by the entire faculty and by the families. It has been a necessary training to know and treat the different chronic diseases existing in the students of our Center and the performance, if necessary or in an emergency, of first aid actions according to the age of our students. Infographics have been prepared on these emergency protocols that are visible in those classrooms that present students with these diseases.

With all these actions, the Sanchis Guarner School in Ondara creates a healthy and safer environment.
