Sanchis Guarner School of Ondara has been selected of among all the schools of the Valencian Community to take part in a new project nicknamed "Gastronomic Culture" at what takes part the students of third, fourth, fifth and sixth of primary.
This subject would complement forms part of the Project "Los niños se comen el futuro" of the Joint of *Andalucia, and fuses with the Project of Inquest and Educational Innovation of our school "Menja't el Món. Escola saludable" subsidised by Council, project that has captured the attention of the director of the Fundació Prenauta Ruth Tenorio who, with the collaboration of Scolarest, Anaya and Eurotoques, handed us in person the books and the didactic guides of free mode with the aim to share the two projects.
This Project is based at the "Problems Based Learning (ABP)" as a didactic strategy through the inquest, manipulation and direct experimentation with Andalusian products, accompanied of didactic experiences and activities around the ingredients employed at the elaboration of the dishes, internalising the kens, procedures, abilities, attitudes and values of a funny mode and, especially, cooperative.
The 8 sessions of which features "Gastronomic Culture" will realise at the hour of "Projects", working of transversal mode with the subjects of mathematicians, Spanish, social sciences and natural sciences at the same *temsps that learn a distinct typical recipe at each level furthering at the students, since the early ages, healthy habits at the supply and his health, and the ken of the existent gastronomic culture at Spain.
At the last session the children and the infants will enjoy of the experience of a MASTERCLASS imparted by a Chef of the European Association of Eurotoques.