#Stop Ciberbullying Project is a finalist Mentes AMI Awards of Atresmedia Fundation.

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner from Ondara has participated in the first Mentas AMI Awards (Media and Information Literacy) of the Atresmedia Foundation, being a finalist among more than 300 schools nationwide in the Promotion of Values ​​and Coexistence category. The winners will be announced on October 1 at the first Mints AMI congress to be held in Kinépolis: City of the Image of Madrid, where a representation of the management team will attend.

The main objective of this Educational Innovation Project is to raise awareness and sensitize both students and families so that they use technologies correctly and responsibly and, in addition, that they know the risks and dangers of the Internet and social networks as grooming, phishing, identity theft, addiction to screens, from a cybersecurity point of view and against cyberbullying.

Great importance is given to netiquette, which are the set of norms or rules that Internet users have to respect to ensure a good coexistence, such as not publishing images without permission, not making memes or ridicule, or sharing them.

With a methodology based on peer learning, the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Helpers, who are 6th grade volunteer students and the protagonists of the Project, help us achieve this goal with their talks and reflections on the rest of the classes, in the use of videos, sheets and *powerpoints created by them and them.

Congratulations to the ICT Helpers for their work and commitment.

Valencian ball to the school.

Last Thursday we were visited by two pelotaris from our region, Tomás II de Xaló (Juan Bautista Buigues) and Pedro de Pedreguer.

The 4th grade students approached our most native sport with them: the Valencian Ball, doing a first theoretical part and then a practice of the traditional ball game.

This activity is included in the sport, physical activity and health project of our center (PEAFS).

The Pelota en la Escuela program is a program that was born in 2005 in the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in order to introduce the Valencian pelota in the educational centers of the Valencian Community and that the Valencian Pelota Federation, as a recognized public entity officially to promote our sport, is in charge of applying it, coordinating and organizing the different activities under the supervision and collaboration of the Valencian Pelota Coordination Department of the *DGE.

This program is the first contact with the Valencian ball for the vast majority of students who in this way know and practice our national sport. In addition, students acquire the values ​​of sport and more specifically those transmitted by the Valencian ball, among which we highlight, in addition to the psychomotor inherent to any sport, the psychological values: the traditional environment in the ball enhances mental improvements, since this environment is characterized by a lack of individualism and little prominence of competitiveness, which makes solidarity and cooperation appear, social values ​​such as coexistence, respect, integration or tolerance, cultural and historical values ​​derived from the centuries-old tradition to the Valencian Country or linguistic values ​​such as the richness of vocabulary or linguistic diversity.


Terra Viva – Let’s go to the Village Market!

The past 30 of March visited us TERRA VIVA (Alive Earth), the program of À Punt. The past day 28 of April, emitted at  the footage that took place at the Sanchis Guarner School and the market of the people with a depiction of the pupils of 3rd.

One of the principal aims of the program is to announce and improve the products of proximity of the people of Ondara and of his hovering.

Here you have the extract of the program so that you can enjoy it:

Ondara Sanchis Guarner School opens in Europe with eTwinning.

ETwinning forms Erasmus's part+ and is an educational program of the European Union that forms part of the Educational Project of Centre and that has as a principal aim the exchange of projects and activities among distinct European schools of online mode through the techs and making use of these, furthering and improving the participatory work and of collaboration among the professorship and the students of the distinct countries members.

At this course have taken part four masters at a total of 10 European projects, of among which, has founded a project since the Sanchis Guarner of Ondara and has achieved a seal of quality eTwinning, waiting to achieve two more.

That is why the CEIP Sanchis Guarner of Ondara will take part in the II Day of Exchange of experiences Erasmus+ and eTwinning that it will celebrate the 28 of June at Gandia's Campus of the Poly University of Valencia.

With the project eTwinning, headed by the masters of English, the students shares experiences at the English language through the techs and the online virtual learning, developing fun, motivating and innovative the Competence at Linguistic Communication at this matter, favouring and improving his linguistic abilities (¨skills¨): Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing.

These situations of learning improve, of transversal mode, the work of other key competences established at the new curriculum of the LOMLOE, how the new Multilingual Competence, the Digital Competence, the Competence at Mathematicians, Sciences and Tech (STEM), the Personal Competence, Social and to Learn at Learning and the Competence at Conscience and Cultural Expressions.

In this way it favours the interest to the subject of English, fosters the educational inclusion of all the students, the cooperation and the work at squad, with the realisation of the distinct funny activities  of the projects based at didactic games, cards, murals, works with distinct online platforms, programming and robotics, making use of the digital tablets and of the classroom of computing.

The program eTwinning constitutes the anteroom of the Program Erasmus+, with which the school Sanchis Guarner of Ondara opens at Europa, for the posterior realisation of future exchanges and mobility, of students and of professorship, with the distinct European countries associated.

At the official website of the school have all the information on the projects realised.


EduSalut Teacher’s course: First Aid, Healthy nutrition and CPR

The teaching staff of the CEIP Sanchis Guarner of Ondara has carried out the EduSalut course: First Aid, healthy nutrition and CPR during the first and second trimesters. This Course-Workshop, developed within the Teacher Training Plan and managed by the Gandia CEFIRE, is part of the Menja't el Món. EScola saludable Research and Educational Innovation Project, lasting two years, which is being carried out from this school year 2021-2022.

The following aspects have been covered in this training:

  • Establish actions to improve health habits in the school.
  • Identify the different alterations linked to childhood diseases and know what action guidelines are appropriate.
  • How to advise families on healthy habits in the family environment.
  • Protocolize and know the actions of the faculty in the face of chronic diseases of the student body. Allergies, intolerances, epilepsy, asthma and diabetes.
  • Establish actions to improve daily health habits in the school.
  • Identification and action in injuries (wounds, stings, bruises and burns) and in cases of altered consciousness (lipothymia, fainting).
  • Know how to identify and solve a vital emergency situation. Performance of the appropriate cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) procedure for each age, the Heimlich maneuver against drowning, and the lateral safety position. Know the application procedure of the automatic external defibrillator (AED) in cases of cardiorespiratory arrest.

This Course-Workshop, taught by the director of the Ondara Health Center, Xaro Pons, and the nurses Ana Pastor and Andrea Armengol, has been very positively valued by the entire faculty and by the families. It has been a necessary training to know and treat the different chronic diseases existing in the students of our Center and the performance, if necessary or in an emergency, of first aid actions according to the age of our students. Infographics have been prepared on these emergency protocols that are visible in those classrooms that present students with these diseases.

With all these actions, the Sanchis Guarner School in Ondara creates a healthy and safer environment.


Cultura Gastronòmica – New Project of CEIP Sanchis Guarner.

Sanchis Guarner School of Ondara has been selected of among all the schools of the Valencian Community to take part in a new project nicknamed "Gastronomic Culture" at what takes part the students of third, fourth, fifth and sixth of primary.

This subject would complement forms part of the Project "Los niños se comen el futuro" of the Joint of *Andalucia, and fuses with the Project of Inquest and Educational Innovation of our school "Menja't el Món. Escola saludable" subsidised by Council, project that has captured the attention of the director of the Fundació Prenauta Ruth Tenorio who, with the collaboration of Scolarest, Anaya and Eurotoques, handed us in person the books and the didactic guides of free mode with the aim to share the two projects.

This Project is based at the "Problems Based Learning (ABP)" as a didactic strategy through the inquest, manipulation and direct experimentation with Andalusian products, accompanied of didactic experiences and activities around the ingredients employed at the elaboration of the dishes, internalising the kens, procedures, abilities, attitudes and values of a funny mode and, especially, cooperative.

The 8 sessions of which features "Gastronomic Culture" will realise at the hour of "Projects", working of transversal mode with the subjects of mathematicians, Spanish, social sciences and natural sciences at the same *temsps that learn a distinct typical recipe at each level furthering at the students, since the early ages, healthy habits at the supply and his health, and the ken of the existent gastronomic culture at Spain.

At the last session the children and the infants will enjoy of the experience of a MASTERCLASS imparted by a Chef of the European Association of Eurotoques.

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logo los niños

11 F – International Day of Women and Girls Science.

Las week the CEIP Sanchis Guarner of Ondara realised an activity at remembrance of the 11 February - "International Day of the Wife and the scientific Infant", furthered by Commission of Equality and Coexistence of our Centre, based at the campaign #NoMoreMatildas at which has adhered our Centre, project that has the aim to give visibility at the scientific wives muted along the history and empower at the girls at the world of the science.

During the week have worked at the distinct classroom activities related with this project and  each class has designed a lemma with a A3 paper sheet , with those that has formed a mural at the principal runner of the Sanchis Guarner building and at the entry of the Marjals building. 

For last has made a video recopilatori of the activity to give diffusion at this coeducational activity.


Christmas 2021

This year, the Theater of childish and of Primary that had foreseen at the Auditory have postponed for at a later date, because of the tall incidence accrued at the Marina Alta and at the local field and of the numerous positive cases of Covid-19 at the school, some waiting to confirm by Public Health organism.

Everything and this, have been able to enjoy of the party with the Christmas carols of Childish and the Christmas carols of Primary that have realised at the respective edifices, at the outside:

The students of Childish interpreted the Christmas carols the Tuesday 21. The last day, the Wednesday 22, at Les Marjals got the visit of the Herald, whereas at the edifice Sanchis Guarner, the students of Primary interpreted the Christmas carols at the sector of the terracings, where came it Gironera at delivering the gifts of it AMPA at size that go ending the performances and at enjoying of the show. Després had cake for all the students and it AMPA gave the ones with a big chocolate.

Merry Christmas !!

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Ondara’s Sanchis Guarner School is celebrating HALLOWEEN 2021, with a lot of terrifying activities.

This year, the Sanchis Guarner School of Ondara has been able to enjoy of the Halloween. Since the area of English, has explained the ones at the pupils the provenance and the culture and tradition of this English festivity. The masters of English also have organised activities for all the week:

  • The checkrooms of Halloween: come with a terrifying disguised (Wednesday), take something gruesome at the head (Thursday), and take a terrifying lunch  (Friday).
  • Also they have organised a contest of pumpkins decorated that has had very successful. Prize at the most terrying, at the most fun, at the most creative and at what more effort has needed. Here you have the sample:

The decoration, so much at the edifice Sanchis Guarner how at the edifice Marjals, has been spectacular:

On the other hand, the students of the Sanchis Guarner, of 1st at 6th, have gone to visit the passage of the terror organised by the Regidoria of Culture inside of the Program Scares the Fear, accompanied of the professorship, and dressing with terrifying costumes.


The master of Artistic Nurture, Josep Vidal, moved the classroom of artistic at the House of the Culture, to explain at the pupils the Valencian Monsters (The quarantamaula, the Man of the noses, the Butoni, the Cucafera, etc), enjoy them with his terrifying explanations.

School Board Elections 2021 – Results


Turnout: 98 voters (ballots) = 11'89% of the census.

Elect candidatures - Teachers:

Imma Aguilar Frasés.
Juanma Garrido Mimbrera
Rosa Ana Marí Blasco

Elect Candidatures - Families:

Laura Masanet Bataller: 70 votes.
J. Alejandra Torrens Pérez: 55 votes
Maite Rodrigo Saenz: 49 votes
Jaume Mora Cano: 43 Acting

suplent - Natividad Arnau Ferrer: 35 votes

The official listing, as well as the listing of the elect pupils, can consult it at the bulletin board of the Centre.

Congratulations at all!

A lot of graces for the turnout of the families!


The next 18 of November celebrate the elections at school councils at the educational centres. Families, students and personnel of the educational centres are convened to vote to elect the persons that will represent the voice of the educational community at this organ of governance.

How you know, the school councils take part in the decisions and projects more transcendental that affect the educational community, and for example: the Commission of selection of the director/at; the specific Plan of organisation of the school day; the Plan of performances for the improvement; the multilingual and intercultural Program; the Plan of coexistence; the educational Plan of the school canteen; etc. Therefore, this electoral process represents a challenge and an opportunity to contribute at the improvement of the quality of the nurture.

Ara is the moment at what can decide and design egalitarian and full arenas of opportunities for the students. This turnout, besides, has to be a responsible and committed decision for part of all the members of the educational community so that it is as well as guarantees a democratic educational centre, with solidarity and plural.

I take advantage of this occasion to appreciate, in advance, all the sectors of the educational community his implication at this electoral process. With your vote, your centre improves.