The Sanchis Guarner d’Ondara school, twice awarded with the Girls4STEM Project, in Caixafòrum Valencia.

El pasado 1 de junio tuvo lugar la entrega de Premios de la IV Edición del Proyecto Girls4STEM en Caixafòrum València, donde nuestro colegio Sanchis Guarner de Ondara obtuvo doble reconocimiento del Proyecto Girls4STEM desarrollado en 5.º de primaria, coordinado por Raúl Lara.

En primer lugar, 1.º Premio del concurso de video-biografías sobre las Expertas STEM que nos han visitado en nuestro centro durante este curso: Sandra Roger, ingeniera de telecomunicaciones; Silvia Cobos, ingeniera y arquitecta; y Lola Llobat, genetista y veterinaria.

En segundo lugar, Premio COCEMFE al mejor proyecto que fomenta la igualdad de oportunidades entre el alumnado, favoreciendo la inclusión educativa.

Antes de la entrega de premios, las alumnas disfrutaron de la “Charla Family” por parte de Valeria Castro, presidenta de la Asociación Española de Videojuegos, y directora de su empresa Platonic Games, quién nos explicó todo su recorrido y trayectoria profesional.

El Proyecto Girls4STEM, impulsado desde la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de València, acontece una iniciativa excelente para fomentar las vocaciones STEM (Ciencias, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas) en el alumnado de los centros educativos, sobre todo en las niñas, que han quedado muy contentas y satisfechas de haber participado. Despertar la curiosidad sobre las temáticas STEM y visibilizar a las mujeres STEM, sus investigaciones, desarrollos y avances, son unos de los pilares fundamentales del proyecto Girls4STEM.

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Visit iMou-te – #Stop Cyberbullying: The wright way to ICT and Internet.

We have enjoyed the IMOU-TÉ educational experience exchange program at CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara, presenting our innovation project #Stop Cyberbullying: The wright way to ICT and internet. We have been visited by CEIP Carolina Sala (Pego), CEIP Ambra (Pego), CEIP Maria Asunta (Castalla), CEIP Rosalia Bondia (Pego) and CEIP San Antoni (Pego).

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner organizes The First Meeting of Programming and Educational Robotics of La Marina Alta (PREMA) toguether with the CRA La Rectoria.

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner organizes together with the CRA la Rectoria the 1st Meeting of Programming and Educational Robotics of the Marina Alta (PREMA), in Ràfol d'Almúnia, where the students have enjoyed the robotics and programming workshops sharing experiences and good technological practices with other schools, promoting their Digital Competence, Mathematical and Science and Technology Competence and Entrepreneurial Competence.

The meeting consisted of the following learning situations: an exhibition of good technological practices from CRA La Rectoria and CEIP Sanchis Guarner, a robotVEX competition among the participating schools, educational and didactic video game programming workshop with Scratch, programming workshop for VEX robots and a hands-on workshop with the mBots. These workshops were given and designed by Jose Maria Bertomeu, teacher at CRA La Rectoria, and by Raül Lara, teacher at CEIP Sanchis Guarner.

This year the CEIP Sanchis Guarner starts this project with great enthusiasm and hopes that other centers will be added in the following courses. A project with which the school consolidates itself as a reference center in programming and educational robotics. For the next academic year, the 2nd PREMA 2024 Meeting in Ondara is planned.

The Coordinator of the Technological Area Mª Jose Lozano and the Coordinator of the Inclusion Area Ana Espín were present at the meeting on behalf of CEFIRE Lab Nucia. On behalf of CEFIRE de Gandia were the Educational Training adviser Josep Mestre and the FPA adviser, Aurelia Rubio.

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The CEIP Sanchis Guarner participates in the education training days of les Trobades 2023

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner was at the Benissa University Campus to share experiences with teachers, directors and directors in the education training days "Escola valenciana: una Escola en construcció", framed within the programming of Les Trobades 2023.

Specifically, the director made an accurate presentation of the Educational Research and Innovation Project #Stop Cyberbullying: the wright way to ICT and the Internet and how to carry it out in other educational centers, in order to eradicate the problem that cyberbullying and bullying entails. It is important that students know the main risks and dangers of the Internet and social networks and be able to make good use of technologies.

Present were Dr. Miquel Casas, who presented a study on school failure and how to establish mechanisms to deal with it, and Carme Agulló, who gave a very interesting and exhaustive review of the life of the writer Carme Miquel.

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Ends the AULA CICLISTA project taught by the FCCV to 5th and 6th grade students.

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara finalizes the AULA CICLISTA project, an educational innovation project developed jointly by the Cycling Federation of the Valencian Community (FCCV) and the Department of Education, Culture and Sport whose objective is to promote the practice of the activity physics and the knowledge and dissemination of cycling in the school environment, promote the use of the bicycle as a model of sustainable mobility and train healthy habits and education in values.

The programme, aimed at students in the 5th and 6th years of Primary Education and 1st and 2nd years of Compulsory Secondary Education, consists of three sessions where students receive training on healthy living, road safety, use of the bicycle and cycling as a sport, he becomes familiar with its use through a practical session and faces everyday situations to master road regulations and the handling of the bicycle in a tour of an urban circuit around the neighborhoods and municipal districts of the town of Ondara.

Ondara Local Police has collaborated with the security and accompaniment device, marking the safest and most appropriate itinerary that does not interfere with the normal circulation of vehicles in the area.

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner is part of the network of centers CEPAFE, Educational Center for the Promotion of Physical Activity and Sport.


Sanchis Guarner’s School is awarded with PEONZA DE PLATA in the ESPIRAL AWARDS 2022.

The Educational Research and Innovation Project of the CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara "#Stop Cyberbullying: good use of ICT and internet" has been echoed in the Espiral Association, and obtains the "SILVER SPINNING TOP" award at the 2022 SPIRAL AWARDS in the category of Security and Digital Responsibility.

Every year, the spiral association recognizes the most outstanding educational experiences in the field of innovation and personalization of learning. An award by teachers for teachers.

The awards ceremony took place on November 12, in Madrid.


Sanchis Guarner school of Ondara celebrates HALLOWEEN 2022.

This year, the Sanchis Guarner school in Ondara has been able to enjoy Halloween. From the English area, the origin, culture and tradition of this English holiday have been explained to the students. The English teachers have also organized activities for the whole week. Halloween slogans have been:

- Thursday 26: take a terrifying lunch.
- Friday 27: come terrifyingly disguised.

They have also organized an exhibition of terrifying hats that has been very successful in both the children's and primary buildings.

On the other hand, the Sanchis Guarner students, from 1st to 6th, have gone to visit the passage of terror organized by the Department of Culture within the Espanta la Por Program, accompanied by teachers, and dressed in terrifying costumes.


El CEIP Sanchis Guarner celebra el 9 de octubre con un teatro y con la Fiesta de Inici de Curso a Les Marjals.

On Friday, October 7, Primary students enjoyed the play JAIME I, organized by the Department of Culture.
The activity has been complemented with a drawing contest on the subject. The winning drawing will be the October 9 poster of the town of Ondara for the following course.

On the other hand, the Infant students have enjoyed the spectacular Beginning of Course Party organized by Les Marjals teachers.


Sanchis Guarner’s school of Ondara, awarded with the first prize in the Mentes AMI Summit of Atresmedia foundation.

The Sanchis Guarner school in Ondara has been awarded the first prize in the Mentes AMI Awards (Media and Information Literacy) of the Atresmedia Foundation, with the Educational Research and Innovation Project #Stop Cyberbullying: the right way to ICT and the Internet. The main objective of this Project is to raise awareness and sensitize both students and families because they use technologies correctly and responsibly and, in addition, that they know the risks and dangers of the Internet and social networks such as grooming, phishing, impersonation of identity, addiction to screens, from a cybersecurity point of view and against cyberbullying.

With a methodology based on peer-to-peer learning, volunteer 6th-year students called ICT Helpers (Information and Communication Technologies) are the protagonists of the Project, who help students achieve this goal with their talks and reflections on the rest of the classes, in the use of videos, sheets and presentations created by them and them.

The Mentas AMI meeting took place on October 1 in Madrid at Kinepolis, Ciudad de la Imagen, and consisted of two complementary actions aimed at the educational community: a call for prizes to recognize and disseminate initiatives developed in classrooms that encourage thought critic, they drive creativity and promote values ​​and coexistence by fostering in their students the skills and competences in Media and Information Literacy (AMI) through specific projects, and a great educational meeting aimed at teachers, as a space for meeting, reflection , motivation and exchange of ideas and trends among the teaching community at the national level.

Sanchis Guarner School at the 2nd ETwinning and Erasmus+ Experience Exchange Conference at the Gandia UPV Campus:

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner from Ondara participated in the Campus of the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Gandía in the II Conference for the Exchange of eTwinning and Erasmus+ experiences, which took place on June 28.

In this edition, the CEIP Sanchis Guarner from Ondara has made the presentation Initial Framework on the Etwinning Projects, by the Director Raül Lara. Next, the English teachers Mª Dolores Monzó, Rosa Anna Marí and Neus Mondéjar, have presented the Etwinning Projects carried out during this course, some of them awarded with the national quality seal.

At the same time, it was very enriching to listen to the proposals and experiences of other Educational Centers and Institutes, many of them from the Marina Alta.

Rosa Ana qualitat
Segell English with games
Segell 40