The solidarity race of CEIP Sanchis Guarner manages to raise 1,880 euros from the NGO Save the Children.

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara, the AMPA of the CEIP Sanchis Guarner and the Department of Education of the City Council of Ondara organized yesterday, Tuesday, May 14, the Y Carrera Solidaria CEIP Sanchis Guarner «Kilometers of solidarity. For the rights of the child ”, in favor of the NGO Save the Children.

The solidarity of the participating students made it possible to raise 1,880 euros, which will be allocated entirely to this NGO for the rights of the child. The race had the participation of all the students of the Marjales Children’s School and the Sanchis Gaurner de Ondara Elementary School (620 students in total), from all courses; the three of infantile, and the six primary courses, celebrating a total of 9 courses (one for each course). Previously, the students were offered a warm-up session with dance, courtesy of Areli Montiel.

The solidarity race has been organized by CEIP Sanchis Gaurner, with the active participation of teachers, and by the AMPA of CEIP, which offered fruit for lunch. This solidarity race was carried out through the streets Dénia and Alfatares, and had the collaboration of the Department of Sports and Education of the Ondara City Council (which provided the necessary logistics, with the goal arch, materials and ambulance), Local Police, and Civil Protection of Ondara.

Ondara begins the next school year with 623 kindergarten and primary students, a continuous day at the school and a new library at Sanchis Guarner.

  • The continuous day is implemented for the first time this year 2017-2018 in the Sanchis Guarner and Marjals School.
  • The Children’s School will extend as a novelty its pick-up time until 6 p.m.Ondara, 08.09.17. Next Monday, September 11, classes will begin at the Ondara schools, with the novelty this 2017-2018 academic year of the implementation of the continuous day in the Sanchis Guarner and Marjals Schools. A total of 681 students from 0 to 12 years old will begin their classes in the educational centers of the population, according to the figures provided by the Councilor for Education of Ondara, Mar Chesa. A total of 55 students from 0 to 3 years old are enrolled in the Municipal Infant School this year. As for the Marjals Children’s School, 209 boys and girls from 3 to 6 years old are studying at this center. Meanwhile, the Sanchis Guarner Elementary School has a total of 417 students.It should be noted that the students of the Sanchis Guarner Public School will open a new library. The old house of the janitor has been transformed into the library of this school center detached from a comprehensive reform, with a budget of 18,000 euros financed entirely by the Ondara City Council, as confirmed by the Councilor for Education. The new library, located on the ground floor of the school, has access from the concierge and also from the patio, and has a large reading room, an audiovisual and language classroom, and two toilets (one of them for people with mobility reduced). The works carried out by the City Council have allowed to give a new use to the old house of the caretaker (which had not been used for 7 years). As for the materials and bibliographic endowment of the new library, they are those that were in the old one (which was in a room on the first floor of the building and which has now been enabled as a classroom).
  • The main news of this academic course 2017-2018 will be the implantation of the continuous day in the Col·legis Sanchis Gaurner i Marjals (which will be voted favorably by 63% of the families). As explained by the seu director, Antoni Grimant, starting in the new year 2017-2018, the alumnat of the Col·legi d’Infantil Marjals and the Col·legi de Primària Sanchis Guarner will have an intensive day, sent l’horari lectiu from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (from October to May; later that September and June l’horari is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.). From 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. it will be the leader, and from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. there will be free activities and voluntàries for those students who are fins at 5:00 p.m. at the school center, at the same time that the romandrà obert fins center at 17 hours.Segons has confirmed Mar Chesa, from the Regidoria d’Educació de l’Ajuntament d’Ondara, will have two free activities and voluntàries (from 15:30 to 17 hours), both activitats d’educació viària i multiesport . The three nights of the week will carry out activities proposed per l’AMPA (reading workshop); Organizational activities for the Ondara Music School (singing workshop); i activities proposed by peers i mares voluntaris (computer programming). These activities are carried out both at Sanchis Guarner and Marjals.D’altra banda, the director of the center has aprofitat to confirm that 93% of the primary d’Ondara students participate in the 2017-2018 course in the XarxaLibres program.

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