The Sanchis Guarner de Ondara school has been the Spanish champion in educational programming and robotics, with the #GIRLSGONNA project.

The Sanchis Guarner de Ondara school has been champion of Spain in programming and educational robotics, with the project #girlsgonna organized by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), based on a video game contest on women scientists, with the aim of giving them visibility and empower girls in the world of technology, reducing the digital gender gap.

With this project the students have been able to work on mathematics (positive and negative numbers with the coordinate axis), oral and written expression of languages ​​(with dialogue, text editing and information research), science (contrasting scientific information and on viruses) and technology (with the use of digital tablets in the classroom and with block programming on the Scratch platform). In addition, coeducation and civic and social values ​​have been worked on. It has been an innovative, inclusive and motivating project, in which the students have enjoyed and learned a lot.

CEIP Sanchis Guarner, participated last year in the project « Programa Tu Obra »with which a robot and a play were programmed, remaining semifinalists. This year, with this award, the school consolidates itself as a reference center on a national scale in educational programming and robotics.

FECYT press release with the video game link: -the-vaccine

Link to the winning video game:

The students of the CEIP Sanchis Guarner of Ondara enjoy the Dàmaris Gelabert’s concert at the bullring.

Today, Thursday March 25, the students of CEIP Sanchis Guarner, have been able to enjoy an educational recreational option in the open air with Dámaris Gelabert at the Ondara Bullring. Dámaris Gelabert is a well-known songwriter and singer of all kinds of children's songs.

This concert has been held during school hours and behind closed doors, with all prevention measures. In a first session for the students of the Escoleta Infantil and Les Marjals, and in a second, for the students of Les Marjals and Sanchis Guarner.

Hygiene measures and the corresponding bullring protocol have been followed in the act to prevent the spread of covid-19.

The students of the CEIP Sanchis Guarner of Ondara enjoy the theater in English, in the bullring.

CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara students enjoyed two theater sessions in English, in charge of the Culture Theater Forum, for children and elementary school students from Ondara. On the one hand, for the children of Infantile and the first cycle of primary school, the play “My Little Library” was offered at 9:30 am; and for the 2nd and 3rd cycle of primary school, the play The New Little Library was offered at 12 noon.

It should be mentioned that at the end of each school term, the Ondara City Council programs theaters for all the students of the Marjals and Sanchis Guarner Schools. Within «La Joya de la cultura» to make «safe culture» in these times of pandemic, the activity was carried out in a municipal open-air space, skill with covid-19 prevention protocols, such as the Ondara.

Both students and teachers enjoyed the most with these open-air theater sessions, which were held to end the term before the Easter and Easter holidays.

Carnival 2022

Two years next return at celebrating Carnival at the school. In the pertinent sanitary measures, has been able to develop with the maximum normality the day of Carnival.

During the week carried out the three checkrooms of the king Carnival: Tuesday all had to take something at the neck, the Wednesday a piece of outfit upside down and the Thursday a free costume.

The themed of this year is “The Classical Tales”, with what unify how is habit the Carnival with the Festival of end of course.

At Childish, the students of 3 years represented at the tale “Pinocchio”, the of 4 years of “Snow White and the seven dwarves” and the of 5 years “The book of the jungle”. With regard to Primary, the students of first grade went of the “Magician of Oz”, second grade of “Alice in Wonderland”, third grade of “Tirant lo Blanch”, fourth degree ¨Harry Potter's ”, fifth grade of ¨The Odyssey” and sixth degree of “The Treasure's island”.

Before the yard have been able to enjoy of Theater “Be mutant” of the company Circolio organised by the AMPA.

After the yard, have realised the parade for the people exiting of the two edifices of Childish and Primary. The meeting of the two parades has taken place at the “Plaza 9 of October”, finalising at the Sanchis Guarner building and the edifice Marjals building respectively.

We appreciate the collaboration of all the families at the elaboration of the costumes of the students, at the AMPA for the organisation and subsidy of the Theater, at the *Regidoria of Culture and the of Nurture to provide us the two carts with megaphony, and at the Local Police for his accompaniment.


We visit the route “Women who leave a trace”.

Today, Wednesday November 25, coinciding with the anniversary of the International Day against sexist violence, CEIP students Sanchis Guarner de Ondara has walked the streets of the town following the route “Women who leave a trace”, the project of the Department of Equality of Ondara with which 30 pioneering and outstanding women in all disciplines are visible; a didactic and positive way to commemorate the 25N.

The different groups of the primary school, accompanied by their respective teachers and their respective professors, have been visiting the different locations where this proposal can be contemplated, receiving the corresponding explanations about each of the outstanding women.

CEIP Sanchis Guarner students scare fear in the House of Culture of Ondara.

Despite the pandemic, and following all the protocols and security measures to avoid contagion by Covid-19, last week, within the campaign “Scare the Fear 2020, for All Saints, Valencian Monsters”, last Thursday 29 and Friday, October 30 (in Todos Sants week), a “Route of Fear” was held in Ondara in the morning through the Mysterious House of Culture, for the boys and girls of the CEIP Sanchis Guarner. The “bubble” groups, accompanied by their tutors, entered in small groups of 4-5 students to enjoy this proposal.

It should be noted that “Scares the Fear, by Tots Sants, Montres Valencians” is a global project to rediscover the Valencian monsters, organized by the Library and the Department of Didactics of the Valencian Museum of Ethnology, which is made up of different activities and didactic proposals , to make the Halloween celebration “our way” with activities and proposals for girls and boys. The members of the Casa de la Cultura team dressed up as scary creatures; and they turned the space of the House of Culture into corridors and scary rooms.

The boys and girls of CEIP Sanchis Guarner enjoyed the most!

Announcement about the dinning hall.

The direction of the CEIP Sanchis Guarner informs the families and legal guardians of the students that registration for the School Canteen will take place on August 25, 26 and 27 in the Sanchis Guarner building. This procedure is mandatory for all students who wish to use it, both for those who do so from September and for those who wish to do so from October. At the concierge desk you will find the necessary documentation to formalize the request. The families of students with any allergy or intolerance must submit the request for the corresponding medical certificate, even if it has already been presented in past courses. The presentation hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

6th grade students participate in the ¨Proyecto Tu Obra¨: we program a robot and make a film.

In this course, 6th grade students from CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara have participated in the “Proyecto Tu Obra”, in which we have learned to program a robot, make a script and a play or video, in which the main character was the robot Galaxy (we decided that she was small and with blue pants to work on coeducation).

All the proposed objectives have been achieved, in addition to the completion of the video that has not been possible due to the confinement by the covid-19.

The 6th grade students and the teacher coordinating the project, we thank the Ondara City Council from the ground up for their funding and collaboration, and especially to Mar Chesa, as Councilor for Education, for having offered us the opportunity to participate in this interdisciplinary project, with which we have been able to work in the classroom, in a transversal way, science, mathematics, language (oral and written expression) and technology.


Classes begin.

The Educational Community is informed that classes will begin on September 9, both at the Los Marjales Infant Education classroom and at the Primary School. The incorporation of 3-year-old students will be done progressively as planned.

The week from September 2 to 6, families will be attended to in the premises of the House of Culture of Ondara between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.

The School Canteen service will be operational on Monday, September 16. Registration for the dining room for September will be made on September 3, 4 and 5 at the Casa de Cultura. Registration to start using the dining room from October will be made later.

The exterior works will continue in the two centers during the following weeks. The construction company and the Ondara City Council will guarantee the safety of each and every member of the Educational Community.

Scholarships for books, dining room and transport – academic year 2019/20


The Department of Education has published the calls for aid for textbooks, lunch and school transport, with the following considerations:

Textbooks (submission deadline until July 3):

– Students who this year are studying from 1st to 5th of Primary and were already part of the book bank, do not have to make any request.

– The 5-year-old students and the students who are new to the bank must submit the following application before July 3:

APPLICATION: Telematic processing, new incorporation in the book bank

More info: Book bank

Dining room and transportation (submission deadline until July 3):

Students who have already requested help in academic year 18/19 can access the draft application in two ways:

A) If you are an Itaca Familia user: access the web, check data, print a draft and present it to the Secretariat of the Center.

B) If you are not an Itaca Familia user: request a draft from the Secretariat, check data and submit it.
New applications (students who are new to the center or who did not ask for aid in the 18/19 academic year): download the application, fill it in and present it to the Secretariat along with all the necessary documentation.

APPLICATION: Dining and transport aids 2019/20

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