Education delivers the Extraordinary Awards for Academic Performance in Primary, ESO and High School in Alicante. Course 2021-2022.

Recently, the Department of Education, Universities and Occupation has published the images of the ceremony for the presentation of the extraordinary awards for the academic performance of Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate students in Alicante, corresponding to the 2021-22 academic year, held on January 15 in the Auditorium of the Alicante Provincial Council.

From CEIP Sanchis Guarner, DAVID GRIMALT MESAS has received the extraordinary Primary award.


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Carnival 2024 at CEIP Sanchis Guarner

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner celebrated the 2024 Carnival festival on Monday, February 12, filling the streets of the town with party, music, color and joy.
This year the chosen theme was The 4 elements: water, earth, air and fire represented by all the students and the entire teaching staff.
It has been a day of coexistence where everyone has enjoyed the parade and the performances by students of the 3rd cycle in the special edition Got Talent Carnavalesco where we have had a great display of talents: dancing, singing, acting, magic and challenges.

We appreciate the collaboration of the Ondara City Council and the Municipal Police, for the music and accompaniment.



Christmas at Sanchis School

Like every year, the Gironera and the Tica raboseta have visited the Primary students of the CEIP Guarner.
The girls and boys sang some very beautiful Christmas carols and at the end of the Gironera they were given a present.

In Kindergarten, they received a visit from the royal herald and had a Christmas party.

We are grateful to the AMPA for their collaboration, to the Ondara City Council for making the auditorium within reach of the school and of course, to the music teachers, Toni and Vicent, for their work on the Christmas carols.




On Wednesday, December 13, the CEIP Sanchis Guarner participated at the University Headquarters of La Nucía, in a session of awareness and prevention of cyberbullying organized by the cefire of La Nucia with our project “#Stop Cyberbullying: the right way to ICT and Internet"

The main objective of this Educational Innovation Project is to raise awareness and sensitize both students and families about the correct use of technologies and to make them aware of and reflect on the risks and dangers of the internet and social networks, such as grooming, phishing, sexting, identity theft, screen addiction... from the point of view of cybersecurity and against cyberharassment or cyberbullying. You have more information here.

The objective of these two-day sessions was to raise awareness and help prevent cyberbullying, promoting good use of the Internet. In the morning a workshop took place with the students of CEIP La Muixara and CEIP San Rafael de La Nucia. The speaker for the 180 students was Raül Lara, director and coordinator of the center's project, who explained to the students the risks and dangers of the Internet and social networks and how to deal with cyberbullying and the misuse of technologies by applying the concepts basics of our center's project.

In the afternoon, the presentation took place, aimed at teachers, police officers and personnel interested in this topic, where the most relevant aspects of our project and how to apply it to other centers were explained.



The Department of Education, Universities and Employment will hold a day on Monday, December 4, to address the protocols and actions in situations of bullying, as well as the use of mobile devices in educational centers.

The day, in which the CEIP Sanchis Guarner from Ondara participated, took place throughout the morning at two tables that were attended by experts in the field. In the first of the tables, bullying was addressed from the point of view of prevention and education of students, as well as the measures to be adopted by educational centers when a case is detected.

The two round tables were moderated by the general director of Inclusion and Educational Innovation, Xaro Escrig. The first was attended by psychiatrist Bartolomé Pérez Gálvez, head of the Autonomous Office of Mental Health and Addictions (OSMA); the educational inspector Joaquín Sanz; the head of the Education Inclusion service, Mª Carmen Jiménez; the coordinator of Equality and Coexistence of the IES San Vicente de Valencia, Carlos Caurín; the general director of the IVAJ, Vicente Ripoll, and a representative of the State security forces and bodies.

“It is about addressing from a broad perspective how to move forward in situations of bullying, what can be improved and how, without losing sight of the channels or what is most important, which are the students and the human component,” he said. Xaro Escrig.

The second of the tables focused on the use of electronic devices in schools and their role in cases of bullying situations. This table was attended by the director of the CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara and precursor of the 'Stop cyberbulling' project, Raül Lara Pons; the educational inspector José Raúl Ramírez; the head of the Education Coexistence section, Esmeralda Llorca; the director of the IES José María Parra de Alzira, Ángela Masiá; the vice director of IES Puçol and cybersecurity expert, Elena Campaña, and a representative of the Civil Guard.

The day was closed by the Minister of Education, Universities and Employment, José Antonio Rovira.

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SIMO Educación 2023 selects the #Stop Ciberbullying Project as a innovative experience 2023.

SIMÓ Educación 2023, a national technological reference event, has echoed the Educational Research and Innovation Project "#Stop Cyberbullying: the right way to ICT and the Internet" that we are carrying out in our center, and has been selected as one of the 35 innovative experiences highlighted at the national level. On November 16, CEIP Sanchis Guarner was at SIMÓ Educación where he gave a presentation on the innovation project at IFEMA (Madrid), where SIMÓ Educación 2023 is being held.


This 2023-24 academic year, the English department has held workshops, games and gymkhanas related to 🎃 HALLOWEEN 🎃, where the students have learned about Anglo-Saxon culture and have enjoyed it a lot.

The students have also participated by bringing decorated brooms to make a terrifying exhibition.


Language assistant Mary Beth arrives to Sanchis Guarner.

Today, the Sanchis Guarner students received Mary Beth, who will be the language assistant for the current 2023-2024 academic year. It comes from the United States, specifically from Florida.

The main objective of the conversation assistant is to promote the practice of students' oral communicative competence in a foreign language and to support teachers of languages ​​and other specialties that teach in a foreign language.


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