Language assistant Mary Beth arrives to Sanchis Guarner.

Today, the Sanchis Guarner students received Mary Beth, who will be the language assistant for the current 2023-2024 academic year. It comes from the United States, specifically from Florida.

The main objective of the conversation assistant is to promote the practice of students' oral communicative competence in a foreign language and to support teachers of languages ​​and other specialties that teach in a foreign language.


Day 22 – Car-Free Day.

On September 22, Car-Free Day was celebrated, framed within the European Mobility Week, an initiative that aims to raise public awareness of the need to reduce the use of private vehicles and promote sustainable travel to improve air quality, recover public space and promote road safety.

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner of Ondara, like all the educational centers of Ondara and with the collaboration of the Ondara City Council, joins this initiative to demand sustainable means of transport: walking, cycling, scooter,... raising awareness and raising awareness citizens of the benefits that come with safe, healthy and sustainable mobility, giving visibility to the alternative uses of the space usually occupied by vehicles.

Various activities were proposed to the students on the main street of the center in order to occupy and recover, for a few hours, a public space for the enjoyment of the students. These activities could be carried out as traffic access remained closed.


The Sanchis Guarner de Ondara school awarded the 1st UP!STEAM Gold Prize, from the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

The Sanchis Guarner school received the 1st Up!Steam Gold Prize in the "coders" category. The award ceremony took place at the Universidad Politécnica Valencia.

The winning project "Super Eco Girl 3R - Ondara Gameplay", coordinated by Raül Lara, is an application to raise awareness and awareness about recycling in Ondara, which shows tips for correct recycling with a map of the containers as information.

It includes a video game section where the main character, Super Eco Girl, has to complete some missions on a virtual trip through Ondara, visiting the town's most emblematic monuments. This protagonist encourages us to complete the missions about recycling and to learn with the 3rd ones: reduce, recycle and reuse.

It is an interdisciplinary project carried out with the Scratch platform through block programming, and is based on gamification that enhances digital competence and computational thinking of students through technologies.

Innovative, motivating and inclusive project that was described by the organization as "an original idea that makes recycling fun". Congratulations to the leading students.

Do you dare to recycle in Ondara? Enter the video game, and accompany Super Eco Girl on her adventure!

School awarded list.


Sin título

The Sanchis Guarner school in Ondara has been awarded three European eTwinning awards.

CEIP Sanchis Guarner has been awarded the European Quality Seal in three projects on the prestigious eTwinning language platform. The awarded eTwinning projects have been:

Meet Europe and learn Languages! European Day of Languages, developed by English teacher Rosa Ana Marí. With this project, students have practiced English in an innovative way, sharing songs and educational games online with schools in 23 member countries, through the use of web 2.0 educational platforms.

English with Games, a project developed by the English teacher Maria Dolores Monzó and shared with schools in Jordan, Poland and Turkey, whose main objective is the creation and use of educational games to learn English in a playful and fun way using the electronics devices.

Industry 4.0 Time, Robotic Coding. Developed by Raül Lara, it is a project for the exchange of technological experiences to develop the computational thinking of students in the use of block programming and educational robotics. A cooperative work with Turkey, France, Italy, Romania and Portugal.

ETwinning is part of Erasmus+ and is an educational program of the European Union whose main objective is the exchange of projects and activities between different European schools online through technologies and making use of these, promoting and enhancing participatory work. and collaboration between teachers and students from the different member countries. With the webcam and interactive screens, the classes of the European Schools are virtually united to work cooperatively.

On the official website of the school you have all the information about the projects. Click here.

Europe English with games
Europe Meet Europe
Europe Industry 4

L’Escola Sanchis Guarner already has a climbing wall.

A few weeks ago a climbing wall was installed on the outside wall of the gym in the courtyard of the Sanchis Guarner center, with the image of our esteemed Segària and under the motto "We climb towards equality". The AMPA has assumed the entire cost of the climbing wall, thanks to the contributions of the member families.

It is an installation that allows climbing at a low height, applying movements that combine technique and plenty, providing muscle toning in a healthy and fun way. A highly enriching, playful, educational activity that also produces great benefits for children since it combines fun with sport, thus combating a sedentary lifestyle and therefore childhood obesity. It also allows to improve psychomotor skills and helps children to overcome themselves and gain self-confidence, as they observe their progress, favoring their self-esteem.

Like the AMPA, we want the students to take advantage of it and enjoy it a lot! Very grateful to El AMPA and to the partner families.

More information about the AMPA.


The ICT HELPERS in the Casa de la Cultura. Summit Project 22-23

On May 31, the students Helping ICT from the Educational Research and Innovation project #Stop Cyberbullying: Good use of ICT and the Internet, gave a keynote speech to families. The objective of this activity is to raise awareness and sensitize families and disseminate the project. The families welcomed the talk by the students at the Casa de la Cultura and described it as highly positive.

The main objective of this Educational Innovation Project is to raise awareness and sensitize both students and families about the correct use of technologies and that they know and reflect on the risks and dangers of the Internet and social networks, such as grooming, phishing , sexting, identity theft, addiction to screens... from the point of view of cybersecurity and against cyberbullying.

The "ICT Helpers", 6th grade student volunteers, through peer learning and service learning, helped us achieve this goal with their talks and reflections in the classes during tutoring hours using videos, slides and powerpoints created by them and them.

With this method, based on peer learning and peer support, service learning is promoted and developed in our Center, that is, students learn a series of concepts and values ​​and, at the same time, apply them to serve and help the entire Educational Community.

The “ICT Helpers” students make a self-assessment of their intervention in a playful and dynamic way, using some mobile-shaped pallets. Finally, they carry out a research process through questions, with the aim of analyzing the use they make of technologies outside the school environment for statistical purposes.

Ajudants 3
Ajudants 1

The Sanchis Guarner d’Ondara school, twice awarded with the Girls4STEM Project, in Caixafòrum Valencia.

El pasado 1 de junio tuvo lugar la entrega de Premios de la IV Edición del Proyecto Girls4STEM en Caixafòrum València, donde nuestro colegio Sanchis Guarner de Ondara obtuvo doble reconocimiento del Proyecto Girls4STEM desarrollado en 5.º de primaria, coordinado por Raúl Lara.

En primer lugar, 1.º Premio del concurso de video-biografías sobre las Expertas STEM que nos han visitado en nuestro centro durante este curso: Sandra Roger, ingeniera de telecomunicaciones; Silvia Cobos, ingeniera y arquitecta; y Lola Llobat, genetista y veterinaria.

En segundo lugar, Premio COCEMFE al mejor proyecto que fomenta la igualdad de oportunidades entre el alumnado, favoreciendo la inclusión educativa.

Antes de la entrega de premios, las alumnas disfrutaron de la “Charla Family” por parte de Valeria Castro, presidenta de la Asociación Española de Videojuegos, y directora de su empresa Platonic Games, quién nos explicó todo su recorrido y trayectoria profesional.

El Proyecto Girls4STEM, impulsado desde la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de València, acontece una iniciativa excelente para fomentar las vocaciones STEM (Ciencias, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas) en el alumnado de los centros educativos, sobre todo en las niñas, que han quedado muy contentas y satisfechas de haber participado. Despertar la curiosidad sobre las temáticas STEM y visibilizar a las mujeres STEM, sus investigaciones, desarrollos y avances, son unos de los pilares fundamentales del proyecto Girls4STEM.

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Visit iMou-te – #Stop Cyberbullying: The wright way to ICT and Internet.

We have enjoyed the IMOU-TÉ educational experience exchange program at CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara, presenting our innovation project #Stop Cyberbullying: The wright way to ICT and internet. We have been visited by CEIP Carolina Sala (Pego), CEIP Ambra (Pego), CEIP Maria Asunta (Castalla), CEIP Rosalia Bondia (Pego) and CEIP San Antoni (Pego).

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner organizes The First Meeting of Programming and Educational Robotics of La Marina Alta (PREMA) toguether with the CRA La Rectoria.

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner organizes together with the CRA la Rectoria the 1st Meeting of Programming and Educational Robotics of the Marina Alta (PREMA), in Ràfol d'Almúnia, where the students have enjoyed the robotics and programming workshops sharing experiences and good technological practices with other schools, promoting their Digital Competence, Mathematical and Science and Technology Competence and Entrepreneurial Competence.

The meeting consisted of the following learning situations: an exhibition of good technological practices from CRA La Rectoria and CEIP Sanchis Guarner, a robotVEX competition among the participating schools, educational and didactic video game programming workshop with Scratch, programming workshop for VEX robots and a hands-on workshop with the mBots. These workshops were given and designed by Jose Maria Bertomeu, teacher at CRA La Rectoria, and by Raül Lara, teacher at CEIP Sanchis Guarner.

This year the CEIP Sanchis Guarner starts this project with great enthusiasm and hopes that other centers will be added in the following courses. A project with which the school consolidates itself as a reference center in programming and educational robotics. For the next academic year, the 2nd PREMA 2024 Meeting in Ondara is planned.

The Coordinator of the Technological Area Mª Jose Lozano and the Coordinator of the Inclusion Area Ana Espín were present at the meeting on behalf of CEFIRE Lab Nucia. On behalf of CEFIRE de Gandia were the Educational Training adviser Josep Mestre and the FPA adviser, Aurelia Rubio.

prema collage

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner and its AMPA participate in the Trobades 2023.

This Saturday CEIP Sanchis Guarner had the joy of participating together with its AMPA in the Sembrem Esperança workshop on Biodiversity Street.
Throughout the afternoon, numerous children came to the workshop and took a plant of hope home.
We take this opportunity to thank all the families attending for their participation in les Trobades 2023 in Benissa.

Les Trobades 2024 next year will be in Pego.