This 2024-25 academic year, the English department has held workshops and games related to 🎃 HALLOWEEN 🎃, where students have learned about Anglo-Saxon culture and enjoyed it the most.

This year a terrifying exhibition "houses of terror" took place in the school hall.



We start the 2024-2025 academic year, with 139 students in Marjales, 429 students in Primary. In total, 568 students at the CEIP Sanchis Guarner in Ondara.

With 3 units for 3-year-old children, 2 units for 4-year-olds, 2 units for 5-year-olds, and three units for all primary school (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) with 4 units for 6th grade.

After a week of preparation and dedication on the part of all the teachers, we began this school year with great enthusiasm. The first week will be dedicated to initial evaluations in primary school, and the adaptation period in 3-year-old children.

A 2024-2025 academic year full of surprises in the form of new projects and complementary activities, and other very interesting proposals from the renewed Family Association (AFA) and the Department of Culture of the Ondara City Council.



The “ICT HELPERS” in Casa de la Cultura. Summit Project 23-24

On May 31, the students Helping ICT from the Educational Research and Innovation project #Stop Cyberbullying: Good use of ICT and the Internet, gave a keynote speech to families. The objective of this activity is to raise awareness and sensitize families and disseminate the project. The families welcomed the talk by the students at the Casa de la Cultura and described it as highly positive.

The main objective of this Educational Innovation Project is to raise awareness and sensitize both students and families about the correct use of technologies and that they know and reflect on the risks and dangers of the Internet and social networks, such as grooming, phishing , sexting, identity theft, addiction to screens... from the point of view of cybersecurity and against cyberbullying.

The "ICT Helpers", 6th grade student volunteers, through peer learning and service learning, helped us achieve this goal with their talks and reflections in the classes during tutoring hours using videos, slides and powerpoints created by them and them.

With this method, based on peer learning and peer support, service learning is promoted and developed in our Center, that is, students learn a series of concepts and values ​​and, at the same time, apply them to serve and help the entire Educational Community.

The “ICT Helpers” students make a self-assessment of their intervention in a playful and dynamic way, using some mobile-shaped pallets. Finally, they carry out a research process through questions, with the aim of analyzing the use they make of technologies outside the school environment for statistical purposes.

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Visita IMOU-TE – #Stop Ciberbullying: Bon ús de les TIC i Internet.

We have enjoyed the IMOU-TE educational experience exchange program at CEIP Sanchis Guarner de Ondara, presenting our innovation project #Stop Cyberbullying: The wright way to ICT and internet. We have been visited by CEIP Graüll (Jávea), el CEIP La Muixara (La Nucía), el CEIP Mestre Gaspar (Benidorm), y el IES Marcos Zaragoza (La Vila Joiosa).


The CEIP Sanchis Guarner organizes the II Meeting of Educational Programming and Robotics in Las Marinas together with the CEFIRE of La Nucía.

On Thursday, May 2 and Friday, May 3, 2024, the II Robotics in the Marines Meeting was held in Ondara, organized by the CEIP Sanchis Guarner of Ondara and coordinated by CEFIRE of La Nucia. This Robotics Meeting was a success in participation, and the evaluation of the attendees has been very positive, having been held in one of the most emblematic buildings in the town, El Prado, thanks to the Department of Education of the Ondara City Council, Rosa Ana Marí. The Head of the Teaching Registration and Accreditation service, Jaume Tortosa, and the director of the CEFIRE of Nucia, Ana Espín, welcomed the Meeting.

The activities carried out at the II Robotics Meeting were, Thursday morning, in Prado: presentation of children's and primary workshops with the assistance and collaboration of the CEIPS: the CEIP Sanchis Guarner of Ondara and the “TIC Helpers” of 6th grade primary school, CEIP Castell Del Pop (Murla), CEIP Peña Blanca (Benigembla), CEIP El Carrascal (Parcent), CRA La Rectoría, IES Marcos Zaragoza (Villajoyosa) and the company DiverBOT. In the afternoon, at the House of Culture, there was training for teachers "Educational experiences in primary and secondary", organized by Maria José Lozano, coordinator of the digital competence area of ​​CEFIRE of La Nucia, with presentations by Raül Lara Pons (CEIP Sanchis Guarner) and Tomás Pérez Bort (IES Marcos Zaragoza).

On Friday morning, workshops were held for Secondary, Baccalaureate and FP with the assistance and collaboration of IES Xebic (Ondara), IES Maria Ibars (Dénia), IES Chabàs (Dénia), IES Sorts Del Mar (Dénia), IES Matemátic Vicent Caselles Costa (Gata de Gorgos), IES Marcos Zaragoza (Villajoyosa) and the company DiverBOT.

The workshops aimed to introduce, practice and raise awareness of basic programming aspects; develop spatial reasoning and computational thinking and language skills; 3D printing sample; augmented reality; sample, construction and practice with Robots, etc. From the CEIP Sanchis Guarner we thank all the schools and institutes that have shared their experiences, the workshop leaders, all the teaching assistants and the students.

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The Polytechnic University of Valencia presents the trophies to the winning team of UP-STEAM 4!

The trophies for the 1st UP!STEAM 4 Gold Prize, a competition organized annually by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, have arrived at Sanchis Guarner.

The winning team, made up of 12 students, has received the trophies achieved with the project “Super Eco Girl 3R – Ondara Gameplay”, a video game in the form of an application to raise awareness about recycling in Ondara, which teaches tips for using correct recycling with a map of containers and to learn with the 3Rs: reduce, recycle and reuse.

Awarded schools list.

More indormation.

Education delivers the Extraordinary Awards for Academic Performance in Primary, ESO and High School in Alicante. Course 2021-2022.

Recently, the Department of Education, Universities and Occupation has published the images of the ceremony for the presentation of the extraordinary awards for the academic performance of Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate students in Alicante, corresponding to the 2021-22 academic year, held on January 15 in the Auditorium of the Alicante Provincial Council.

From CEIP Sanchis Guarner, DAVID GRIMALT MESAS has received the extraordinary Primary award.


More in: https://comunica.gva.es/va/detalle?id=378403366&site=373430869

Carnival 2024 at CEIP Sanchis Guarner

The CEIP Sanchis Guarner celebrated the 2024 Carnival festival on Monday, February 12, filling the streets of the town with party, music, color and joy.
This year the chosen theme was The 4 elements: water, earth, air and fire represented by all the students and the entire teaching staff.
It has been a day of coexistence where everyone has enjoyed the parade and the performances by students of the 3rd cycle in the special edition Got Talent Carnavalesco where we have had a great display of talents: dancing, singing, acting, magic and challenges.

We appreciate the collaboration of the Ondara City Council and the Municipal Police, for the music and accompaniment.



Christmas at Sanchis School

Like every year, the Gironera and the Tica raboseta have visited the Primary students of the CEIP Guarner.
The girls and boys sang some very beautiful Christmas carols and at the end of the Gironera they were given a present.

In Kindergarten, they received a visit from the royal herald and had a Christmas party.

We are grateful to the AMPA for their collaboration, to the Ondara City Council for making the auditorium within reach of the school and of course, to the music teachers, Toni and Vicent, for their work on the Christmas carols.



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