25 N - International Day against Gender Violence

The 25 of November the CEIP Sanchis Guarner of Ondara commemorated the International Day against the Gender violence. Since the Commission of Equality and Coexistence proposed the preparation of "La Puerta Violeta" (The purple door), based at the song of Rozalen.

During the week of the 25 of November, at the tutories worked a handicraft, realising a purple butterfly decorated, to get conscience and sensitise at the students on the themed.

The day 25 of November lowered all the classes and each pupil hanged his butterfly at the mural.

At the same time, realised a videoclip (available at the low section) of the activity, combining the distinct images of the 25N with the pupils of sixth, that interpret the stanzas with the language of signs.

The school Sanchis Guarner of Ondara says a big "NO-NO" at any type of violence.


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