This year, the Theater of childish and of Primary that had foreseen at the Auditory have postponed for at a later date, because of the tall incidence accrued at the Marina Alta and at the local field and of the numerous positive cases of Covid-19 at the school, some waiting to confirm by Public Health organism.

Everything and this, have been able to enjoy of the party with the Christmas carols of Childish and the Christmas carols of Primary that have realised at the respective edifices, at the outside:

The students of Childish interpreted the Christmas carols the Tuesday 21. The last day, the Wednesday 22, at Les Marjals got the visit of the Herald, whereas at the edifice Sanchis Guarner, the students of Primary interpreted the Christmas carols at the sector of the terracings, where came it Gironera at delivering the gifts of it AMPA at size that go ending the performances and at enjoying of the show. Després had cake for all the students and it AMPA gave the ones with a big chocolate.

Merry Christmas !!

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