The Sanchis Guarner de Ondara school has been the Spanish champion in educational programming and robotics, with the #GIRLSGONNA project.

The Sanchis Guarner de Ondara school has been champion of Spain in programming and educational robotics, with the project #girlsgonna organized by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), based on a video game contest on women scientists, with the aim of giving them visibility and empower girls in the world of technology, reducing the digital gender gap.

With this project the students have been able to work on mathematics (positive and negative numbers with the coordinate axis), oral and written expression of languages ​​(with dialogue, text editing and information research), science (contrasting scientific information and on viruses) and technology (with the use of digital tablets in the classroom and with block programming on the Scratch platform). In addition, coeducation and civic and social values ​​have been worked on. It has been an innovative, inclusive and motivating project, in which the students have enjoyed and learned a lot.

CEIP Sanchis Guarner, participated last year in the project « Programa Tu Obra »with which a robot and a play were programmed, remaining semifinalists. This year, with this award, the school consolidates itself as a reference center on a national scale in educational programming and robotics.

FECYT press release with the video game link: -the-vaccine

Link to the winning video game: