Story Contest – Easter 2021

Students in 4 ESO A and 4 ESO B, respectively, wrote a short story before Easter holidays. They were free to choose the kind of story: horror, science-fiction, romance, etc. Along Easter holidays, every student in each class had to read all their classmates’ writings, answer some comprehension questions and give a mark to each of the stories. They gave a high mark to those stories they liked the best. They were told that the most voted stories would be shared in the school webpage. Here you can enjoy them.

4 ESO A winners: 4 ESO B winners:
The worst nightmare, de Aleix Ibáñez
The macabre diary, de Nerea Galindo
The sun, de Clara Nebot
Victoria’s story, de Lucía Miñarro
Astaroh, de Carla Escrig
The forest of disappearances, de Sara García
The dance school, de Gladys Ceballos