Between November 24th and 30th, a group of teachers and students from IES Radio Exterior travelled to Rome as part of the Erasmus+ program «Building Bridges». Within the agenda of activities arranged by the hosting school, the ISS Charles Darwin in Rome, it was highlighted the importance of knowing the reality of refugees and some …

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Job shadowing in Oslo – Norway.

During the week of November 10th-16th, two teachers from IES Radio Exterior, Ángeles Piñeiro and Aitana De Toro, visited the Ullern Videregaende Skola Baccalaureate School in Oslo (Norway). The main objective of the visit was to learn in depth about the Norwegian educational system and particularly its teaching methodologies of both foreign and Norwegian languages. …

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Erasmus+ offers different educational possibilities. Our school usually offers small group mobilities to different partner countries, but since this school year we also offer immersive individual mobilities. One of our students of 1st of Bachiller, Juan Francisco Prosa, was able to experience an Erasmus+ individual mobility programme in Hamburg, Germany, where he stayed for almost …

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Between October 6th and 12th, a new expedition of students and teachers from IES Radio Exterior travelled to Geel in Belgium to get new experiences and knowledge about migration within the Erasmus + KA2 “Building Bridges” program. Our hosts, teachers from Sint Maria in Geel (Belgium), prepared an incredible schedule of activities with students and …

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Movilidad individual corta Erasmus+ / Alemán como Segunda Lengua extranjera

En el IES Radio Exterior estamos muy contentos de poder comunicaros que a partir de este curso iniciamos proyectos Erasmus+ de movilidad individual corta (4 semanas, ampliables a 3 meses en el futuro) con nuestros socios europeos. Ésta es la última semana en la que Victoria, alumna alemana del instituto Bezirkschule Poppenbüttel en Hamburgo, disfrutará …

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Our stay in Crete was unforgettable, both from the human and the academic point of view. The arrival at the Heraklion airport was the first contact with the Greek students, families, and teachers.We dedicated the mornings to work over our projects and student presentations at the school. Our students’ presentations were focused on the arrival …

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German exchange students from THG Pforzheim

From the 27th of April to the 4th of May our high school is hosting our German exchange students from THG Pforzheim, showing them how our school works and offering them some interesting activities where they will share time and fun with their Spanish hosts.To be continued next year!


Del domingo 26 de febrero al sábado 4 de marzo, nuestra alumnas Erasmus+ de 1° deBachillerato han estado de intercambio en la bonita ciudad de Trollhättan, Suecia, dondehan convivido con otros estudiantes del programa Erasmus+ de diferentes países: Italia,Alemania, Bélgica, Grecia y Suecia, el país anfitrión. Durante esta semana, las estudianteshan tenido la oportunidad de …

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Intercambio con Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium en Pforzheim

Este martes, el alumnado de 4º ESO y 1º Bachillerato viajaron a la ciudad de Pforzheim. Han estado una semana de intercambio en el instituto Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium. Han convivido con las familias, conociendo sus costumbres y su bonita ciudad. Han visitado el Wildpark, La ciudad de Stuttgart, el Museo Mercedes-Benz y muchos sitios más.

Mobility in Heraclión

Since Saturday 5th, our Erasmus+ students llaure spending a great estafe in the Eternal City: Rome, together with our partners from Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Italy, and of course, the host country, Grece. Not only llaure they enjoying the Grece food and culture, but they’re also learning several things about the international partners. The exciting experience …

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