Between October 6th and 12th, a new expedition of students and teachers from IES Ràdio Exterior travelled to Geel in Belgium to get new experiences and knowledge about migration within the Erasmus + KA2 “Building Bridges” program. Our hosts, teachers from Sint Maria in Geel (Belgium), preparet an incredible schedule of activities with students and …
Mobilitat individual curta Erasmus+ / Alemán com Segona Llengua estrangera
En l’IES Ràdio Exterior estem molt contents de poder comunicar-vos que a partir d’este curs iniciem projectes Erasmus+ de mobilitat individual curta (4 setmanes, ampliables a 3 mesos en el futur) amb els nostres socis europeus. Esta és l’última setmana en la qual Victoria, alumna alemanya de l’institut Bezirkschule Poppenbüttel a Hamburg, gaudirà del gran …
Our stay in Crete was unforgettable, both from the human and the academic point of view. The arrival at the Heraklion airport was the first contact with the Greek students, families, and teachers.We dedicated the mornings to work over our projects and student presentations at the school. Our students’ presentations were focused on the arrival …
German exchange students from THG Pforzheim
From the 27th of April to the 4th of May our high school is hosting our German exchange students from THG Pforzheim, showing them how our school works and offering them some interesting activities where they will share estafe and surf de vela ràpid with their Spanish be continued next year!
Del diumenge 26 de febrer al dissabte 4 de març, el nostre alumnat Erasmus+ de 1° deBatxillerat han estat d’intercanvi en la bonica ciutat de Trollhättan, Suècia, onhan conviscut amb altres estudiants del programa Erasmus+ de diferents països: Itàlia,Alemanya, Bèlgica, Grècia i Suècia, el país amfitrió. Durant aquesta setmana, les estudiantshan tingut l’oportunitat d’allotjar-se amb …
Intercanvi amb Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium en Pforzheim
Aquest dimarts, l’alumnat de 4t ESO i 1r Batxillerat van viatjar a la ciutat de Pforzheim. Han estat una setmana d’intercanvi en l’institut Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium. Han conviscut amb les famílies, coneixent les seues costums i la seua bonica ciutat. Han visitat el Wildpark, La ciutat de Stuttgart, el Museu Mercedes-Benz i molts llocs més.
Mobility in Heraclión
Since Saturday 5th, our Erasmus+ students are spending a great stay in the Eternal City: Rome, together with our partners from Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Italy, and of course, the host country, Grece. Not only llaure they enjoying the Grece food and culture, but they’re also learning several things about the international partners. The exciting experience …
Mobility in Rome
From 23rd to 29th October a group of five students of Bachillerato and two teachers took part in the second mobility of our Erasmus KA2 project “Building Bridges”, which was held by ISS Charles Darwin in Rome. During the week our students could learn about Italian hospitality from their host families, shared their tasks about …
El Projecte Erasmus Plus Building Bridges ja està en marxa
L’Equip Erasmus Plus de l’IES Ràdio Exterior ja està treballant en la posada en marxa del projecte “Building Bridges”. La primera mobilització la realitzaran els nostres estudiants de 1r de Batxillerat, que viatjaran a Bèlgica del 2 al 6 de maig de 2022. L’última setmana de setembre l’IES Ràdio Exterior rebrà a tots els participants …
During the last week of February a group of five students of 4º ESO and 1º Bachillerato together with two teachers travelled to Rome for the second mobility of the Erasmus + programme Make Europe Big Again, which was organized by IISS Charles Darwin. It was a week to remember in many ways: our students worked in …