Dylan ha llegado desde Canadá para cautivarnos a tod@s con su superinglés

Este es Dylan. ¡¡¡Bienvenido!!! Welcome!!
By: IRIS RUIZ and LOLA MARTÍNEZ, from 2nd ESO to OLA 18
–What is your name? My name is Dylan.
-How old are you? I am twenty two years old.
-Why are you here? I’m here to teach English and help you understand your English better.
–How long are you staying? I’m here for eight months so my first day was October first and my last day is may thirty first.
–Did you teach in Canada? No, I just graduated from University in August and came here right away.
–What university do you go to? I studied in Wilfrid Laurier University, it is in Waterloo Ontario .
-Did you want to come to Spain? Yeah, I really wanted to see and kinda learn of Spanish culture and actually learn about the Spanish language
-If not what other country? Definitely anywhere in Europe, I think I would want to go to Switzerland as well.
–Have you always wanted to work as a teacher? I had always thought about it but I’m not sure if that what I want to do as a career as a full-time job but I definitely enjoy it.
–What other job would you want? Mainly a job in human resources so like a business or maybe marketing I’m not sure yet everything is still figuring out.
-Who do you live with? Right now I live by my self.
–Do you live in a building or a house? I live in an apartment near la Esela oficial de idiomas.
–Who did you live with in Canada? In university I lived with four roommates and when I’m not in university I live with my family.
–What’s your hometown in Canada? I’m from Toronto which is in Ontario, Canada.
–Do you miss anyone from Canada? Umm yeah, like my friends and family but I try to keep myself busy and enjoy the experience so I don’t think about it much.