
The secondary school “Las Fuentes”, located in Villena, celebrated its tenth anniversary in the academic year 2018-19. It is, therefore, a quite new centre whose staff is made up of one half of permanent staff and other half of temporary (interinos) staff, having achieved in recent years a good combination between youth and veterans. This combination makes possible a remarkable dynamism when it comes to promoting new projects and achieving a proper development with the solvency that provides us the experience.

The school counts on a school parents’ association (AMPA), which also reached a new period and renewed its board of directors during the academic year 2018-19. AMPA’s main goal is to facilitate the communication between the school, the families and the educational community, as well as well as to collaborate in every initiative proposed.

The educational offer consists of the first and second cycles of CSE (compulsory secondary education), with a PMAR group in 3rd grade and a PR4 in 4th grade. Moreover, it is made up of a Science-Technology Bachillerato (high school diploma), an Arts Bachillerato and Humanities and Social Sciences Bachillerato as well. On another note, it is offered middle-level VET (Vocational Education and Training) courses of Commerce and Hairdressing and Beauty. In addition, there are also high-level VET courses such as Integral Aesthetics and International Commerce (which include internships in Work Centres of different European countries). As for the number of students, it has been gradually increasing (about 600) and it is generally split into 27-28 students per class.

Since its inception, the educational centre “Las Fuentes” has been open to the institutions of the city and the surroundings and has subscribed to the main programs offered by the local, regional, national and international administrations. In the 2013-14 academic year, the centre became part of the Ministry of Education’s Network of Multilingual Centres, which made it possible to carry out a progressive implementation of Valencian language together with the development of an English subject from 1st to 4rd of CSE. Afterwards, we have been granted an Experimental Multilingual Programme to continue working along the same lines. In recent years we have been carrying out KA 101 training actions within the Erasmus+ Programme (so that teachers can deepen their knowledge about CLIL methodology as well as other methodologies and new technologies). Then, we have become part of a KA 229 project together with other schools from Portugal, Germany, Italy and Hungary related to the integration of disabilities and cultural differences in our classrooms and societies. Apart from that, we have also taken part of another project on renewable energies with schools from France, Greece, Italy and Lithuania. Both projects have been funded in order to accomplish exchanges with students from those countries during the academic years 2018-21 and 2019-22. Furthermore, we have also conducted CSE students’ exchanges with a centre in Finland and VET students with another centre in Münster, Germany.

On another note, in recent years we have also requested (with positive outcome) financial aid to the Ministry of Education to carry out an Innovation and Research project related to robotics, and to develop a Plan for Reading Encouragement and Dynamization of the Library (which has led to the creation of a Reading Club made up of students from different levels and the teaching staff as well).

In addition, it has been implemented a Teacher Training Plan focused on improving the coexistence and knowledge of ICTs and methodologies in teaching-learning processes.

All in all, it can be said that “Las Fuentes” is a public, young and dynamic educational centre which is responsibly developing as many programmes as have been made available to it, and we aspire to a constant modernization and internationalization of our work. Our greatest commitment is to be able to offer a quality education which facilitates school success and prepares our students in the best possible way to face the challenges of present a future societies.

Main entrance to the center


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