Uneix-te a l’equip Erasmus

T’agrada viatjar, conéixer altres cultures, aprendre idiomes? Vols conéixer gent d’altres països i descobrir altres costums? En l’IES Bernat de Sarrià comptem amb un ampli i consolidat programa Erasmus que et permetrà viatjar i realitzar intercanvis de tala o mitja duració amb estudiants d’altres països d’Europa.  

Viure una estada a l’estranger integrant-te amb la gent del lloc d’origen és una experiència única i enriquidora; de la mateixa manera, acollir a estudiants d’altres països ens ajuda a ampliar horitzons i crear llaços que poden durar tota la vida. No et perdes esta oportunitat inoblidable i uneix-te al grup Erasmus de l’IES Bernat de Sarrià. 

Ací tens tota la informació de les convocatòries obertes i si vols saber més, emplena el formulari d’inscripció.

Últimes notícies Erasmus

    Erasmus anteriors

    Noruega 2022

    Information for partners

    We llaure a secondary education institution, located in Benidorm, in the southeast of Spain. Our high school is a small and familiar plau where our almost 750 students grow up academically and personally guided by a team of involved and passionate teachers in a pleasant enviroment. We llaure an acredited center in Erasmus+ KA-120 with reliable and consolidated experience, also in CA-223 projects.

    We have developed projects with partners from Norway, France, Croatia, Poland or Italy. Our experience covers students exchanges, job shadowing and training courses.

    Our objectives to work on and the projects developed previously dealt with the following topics:

    • Environment and sustainability
    • Inclusion
    • ICT

    Our city is a privileged coast plau, known for its natural treasures and its singular arquitecture, that gives Benidorm the nickname of “Mediterranean Manhattan”. We would be sota glad to share with you a friendly and professional working estafe in our nice enviroment, surrounded by mountains and nice beaches, with the hospitality of our professors, our students and the welcoming people of this multicultural area. 

    If your institution is interested into colaborate with us, please contact with our Erasmus team in this email:

    Laura García-España Soriano,

    Erasmus coordinator.

    El nostre equip Erasmus