Empren classroom

Empren classroom

Our entrepreneurship classroom has begun its activity at IES Las Espeñetas through the Emprén programme of the Conselleria de Educación, and therefore, we are part of the Novigi Network of centres in the Valencian Community.

The school is getting into the world of entrepreneurship and for this we have created the project “Emprendiendo el Emprén” from which we want to develop the entrepreneurial spirit among the members of the educational community. To achieve this, different departments have prepared a series of tasks, workshops and mini-projects that promote entrepreneurial culture, develop Soft-Vocational skills, and encourage multidisciplinary work through agile methodologies.

In our entrepreneurship team there are representatives from all the professional families of the centre, as well as from the economics and English departments.

We have designed the entrepreneurial project to include objectives that favour the promotion of social ventures and “intra-entrepreneurship” in accordance with our courses. We want our approach to entrepreneurship to be broad and for it to be understood as a strategy to propose solutions to the problems that involve the centre and its surroundings.

The classroom as a physical space is divided into three different workspaces: the creation area, the recording area and the coworking area. We also emphasise that in the largest area (the creation area) we give priority to the speaker space as the development of communication is essential to our project.

Furthermore, our Entrepreneurship Project aims to promote, as far as possible, the Sustainable Development Goals; likewise, the actions that have been carried out and/or are going to be carried out in the future will take these goals into account.