Our hallmarks

FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES: values, objectives and priorities for action

The Educational Project is the document that establishes the basic lines that define our work and the values ​​that base the pedagogical action of the center. Below we present its basic lines:

  1. CONFESSIONALITY : Our Center declares itself non-denominational and respectful of all the beliefs of the members of its Educational Community.
  1. COEDUCATION: In our Center we consider equality between the sexes and non-discrimination based on sex to be fundamental, hence coeducation is one of its fundamental principles aimed at ensuring that there is no hierarchy between masculine and feminine values.
  1. LEARNING LANGUAGE: Our Center declares itself bilingual and advocates, therefore, the indistinct, non-discriminatory and normal use of the two official languages ​​of the Valencian Community, among all members of its own Educational Community. All of this in order to achieve the linguistic and cultural normalization of Valencian at all levels.
  1. VALUES: Our Center educates, encourages, defends, protects and promotes the individual and collective freedoms of all the sectors that comprise it, and as a public educational institution maintains a permanent commitment to all democratic values ​​and respect for the human rights that They define our legal system.

The IES Victoria Kent bases its center project on three fundamental axes:

 Inclusion, gender equality and sustainability, in accordance with the 2030 goals, especially in the areas of effective equality between women and men, sustainability and quality education.


– Promote a culture of inclusion that promotes equality, coexistence, sustainability, as well as the appreciation of diversity, and welcome.

– Integrate the gender perspective transversally in the center.

– Encourage the training and awareness of the educational community in aspects related to equality, diversity, sustainability and coexistence.

– Encourage the participation of the entire educational community in the life of the center.

– Encourage the implementation of new methodologies that favor inclusion.

– Establish lines of communication, intervention and solid reflection with the environment of the educational center from horizontality and social commitment.

– Promote the opening of the center to the environment, as well as the implementation of activities that promote the relationship with the environment through mutual collaboration.

– Normalize the use of Valencian as a vehicular language in the different areas of the center: administrative, academic and relationship with the environment.

– Promote in the center an attitude of integration and a positive appreciation of the different languages ​​and cultures present in the PLC.

– Develop a Plan for sustainability, resources, energy efficiency and waste treatment in collaboration with other administrations.

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