En nuestro IES Puçol del 14 al 19 de octubre de 2024 se han celebrado los ERASMUS DAYS  a través de diferentes actividades . 

En primer lugar, el martes día 15 se realizó en el salón de actos para los alumn@s interesados en formar parte de los diferentes proyectos, una exposición llevada a cabo por los alumn@s del curso pasado de primero de Bachiller que realizaron la estancia de larga duración en Finlandia.       . 

Al día siguiente miércoles día 16 y nuevamente en el salón de actos, se explicó el proyecto “DREAM IN GREEN” que se llevó a cabo en colaboración con alumnos de un Instituto de Alemania . Este proyecto en concreto duró dos años durante los cuales hubieron visitas de los estudiantes Alemanes aquí a España y viceversa.  

Con ambas exposiciones contadas en primera persona por los alumn@s, se pretendió trasladar las experiencias vividas a la vez que mostrar las diferentes posibilidades de estancias en Europa tanto de corta como de larga duración. A partir de ahí, se les repartió al alumnado interesado las solicitudes para formar parte del Club Embajador.  

Para clausurar los ERASMUS DAYS, el jueves día 17 aquellos alumn@s que trajeron las solicitudes cumplimentadas y firmadas por las familias, realizaron una actividad en el invernadero del IES en la cual sembraron unas plantitas para simbolizar el inicio de una nueva vivencia académica como Equipo Embajador Cívico Europeo. 



In our IES Puçol from 14 to 19 October 2024 ERASMUS DAYS have been celebrated through different activities.  

 First of all, on Tuesday the 15th was held in the auditorium for students interested in being part of the different projects, an exhibition carried out by the students of last year’s first year of high school who made the long stay in Finland.  

The next day, Wednesday the 16th and again in the auditorium, the project “DREAM IN GREEN” was explained, which was carried out in collaboration with students from an institute in Germany. 

Description generated automatically . This particular project lasted two years during which there were visits of the German students here in Spain and vice versa.   

The next day, Wednesday the 16th and again in the auditorium, the project “DREAM IN GREEN” was explained, which was carried out in collaboration with students from an institute in Germany. 

Description generated automatically . This particular project lasted two years during which there were visits of the German students here in Spain and vice versa. With both exhibitions told in first person by the students, the aim was to transfer the experiences lived and at the same time to show the different possibilities of stays in Europe, both short and long term. From there, applications to join the Ambassador Club were distributed to interested students. 

To close the ERASMUS DAYS, on Thursday 17th those students who brought the applications completed and signed by the families, carried out an activity in the greenhouse of the IES in which they planted some seedlings to symbolize the beginning of a new academic experience as a European Civic Ambassador Team. 


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