Erasmus exchange

From November 26 to December 3, the IES Vicent Andrés Estellés has hosted students and teachers from the Gymnázium Janka Jesenského in Slovakia on exchange, as part of the Erasmus project “ANT: Art, Nature and Technology“.

Our 4th ESO students will visit Slovakia in March next year and, now, they have received their Slovak counterparts to act as hosts both in their classes and visits in Burjassot and in the city of Valencia. They all shared educational experiences, attending classes at our institute, visiting emblematic places in Valencia and Burjassot, and improving their communicative competence in English (pictures).

It has been a very enriching experience for all participating students. We are very grateful to the families of our students who hosted Slovak students, they have been excellent hosts. The students from Slovakia left very happy and happy about the experience they had.

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