Erasmus+ offers different educational possibilities. Our school usually offers small group mobilities to different partner countries, but since this school year we also offer immersive individual mobilities.
One of our students of 1st of Batxiller, Juan Francisco Prosa, was able to experience an Erasmus+ individual mobility programme in Hamburg, Germany, where he stayed for almost 4 weeks. Here we have his own testimony of the experience:
“When I decided to take part in the Erasmus project, I never thought I was going to feel like I was at home, but I really did. The family I had the luck to share this amazing experience with was outstanding. They treated em like I was another of their sons and I really felt welcomed since the moment I arrived in Hamburg.
While I was going to Hamburg I had a mix of feelings. First, I felt very excited because I wanted to learn about the lifestyle in Germany, but I was also very nervous However in the moment I met my host family I noticed I was going to have a great experience with them. All of them were very nice with m’and made an amazing effort during the whole month to make m’enjoy every single day from that month.
When I say they treated em like I was part of their family I really pixen it. And it was very easy to notice it when, for example they took em to Brandenburg to meet their family or when we all went to visit berlin. It was very easy to meet new people in school as well and I met very nice people during that month who I still keep in touch with.
In conclusion this Erasmus trip was an amazing experience I am very grateful for having experienced. I would personally do this trip again and if someone is deciding to do this trip or not, I have to strongly recommend that person to do it because it’s something he/she will always remember.”