

The Internationalisation Committee of IES Las Fuentes was created in 2015 and currently is made up of 15 members, grouped into different committees:

+ A: Coordination of Internationalisation
+ B: Internationalisation – Inclusion
+ C: Internationalisation – Renewables
+ D: Internationalisation – Training courses

Each committee has its own weekly meeting time:
+ A: Tuesday at 10:50
+ B: Thursday at 13:00
+ C: Wednesday at 8:55
+ D: Friday at 12:05
Location: Meeting room

Goals of the Commission:
– To design and manage European projects.
– To carry out dissemination tasks of the projects.
– To establish strong bonds with partner institutions.

Benefits achieved from our educational centre’s participation in European projects:
1)Our students acquire an international competence in order to improve their employability when they finish their studies. Moreover, they become more qualified to work in multicultural environments.
2)Participants improve their language skills, their sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
3) Modernisation of the institution. Our teaching staff is trained with new educational tools and methodologies, since it ease the exchange of pedagogical knowledge amongst teachers.
4) Our centre offers a more attractive educational offer.
5) Cultural enrichment and integration of the different countries of the European Union.

Organisation chart:


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Redes sociales internacionalización
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