The school team


Students are the essential part, our reason for being. He is an active part in his teaching and participates in the center’s decisions through the School Board and the Student Association, which is why we consider them part of the center’s school team, as well as people we’re going to help train. They accompany us on this path, until the day of their graduation and later, because the institute will always be part of our lives, those of all of us who have sat students in the Tarrega.

Virtually all students of the daytime studies of the IES Francesc Tàrrega reside in Vila-real.

Our ESO students originally came from the eight public schools in Vila-real:

  • C.P. Botànic Calduch
  • C.P. Cervantes
  • C.P. Carlos Sarthou
  • C.P. Concepción Arenal
  • C.P. Escultor Ortells
  • C.P. Pasqual Nàcher
  • C.P. Pintor Gimeno Barón
  • C.P. Pius XII

However, the development of the school map of the city of Vila-real meant that in recent years it came from the four schools ascribed to it (C.P. Botanique Calduch, C.P. Cervantes, C.P. Escultor Ortells and C.P. Pintor Gimeno Barón) and those who desired it from Pius XII and Pasqual Nàcher.

As for upper secondary school studies and cycles, we add to our students those from the private/concerted schools of the people: Flores Foundation College, Pontus Bishop College, Carmelite College and Consolidation College. As far as night studies are concerned, our centre hosts students from virtually the entire Low Plain, giving the possibility of finishing the studies to those pupils who are already in the world of work or who are unable to attend morning classes.


We have currently more than 140 teachers with a high number of stable teachers, working with the latest methodologies in the classroom. The Tarrega is an inclusive center where the latest technologies are used. Our teachers are trained continuously to be at the forefront of education. The PAS staff, although does not have teaching duties at the center, deserves an amendment for all the administrative and service tasks without which the center could not develop properly.

The IES Francesc Tàrrega teachers are structured in the following didactic departments:

  • Department of Computer Science.
  • English Didactic Department.
  • Didactic Department of Biology.
  • Didactic Department of Castilian.
  • Didactic Drawing Department.
  • Department of Didactic Economy.
  • Physical Education Department.
  • Didactic Department of Philosophy.
  • Department of Physics and Chemistry.
  • Didactic Department of French.
  • Didactic Department of Geography and History.
  • Personal Image Didactic Department.
  • Didactic Department of Classical Languages.
  • Department of Mathematics.
  • Didactic Music Department.
  • Didactic Department of Orientation.
  • Didactic Department of Religion.
  • Didactic Department of Technology.
  • Didactic Department of Valencian.
  • Department of electricity and electronics.

The IES Francesc Tàrrega teachers are, mainly, Valencian-speaking and have a high official accreditation of knowledge of our language and there is a significant number of teachers with a high level of English teaching various subjects that enable European and international programmes, as well as the CLIL language learning methodology to be implemented in classrooms, through programmes such as eTwinning or Erasmus+.


As far as our centre is concerned, the management team is constituted as follows:

Vice-principal (Juanjo Tomás). In charge of complementary and after-school activities.

Heads of Studies (Gemma Capilla, Sergi Piquer, Felipe Usó). Our centre has a head of studies in the morning, a head of night studies and a vocational training studies. They basically handle:

  • Coordinate and monitor the execution of academic activities.
  • Ensure compliance with the Center’s Internal Regime Regulation.
  • Control attendance and punctuality in classes.
  • Coordinate student group assessments.

Highschool treasurer (Pablo Rochera). He is responsible for the entire economic and administrative management of the center.

Director (Enriqueta García).