Brief history of the Francesc Tàrrega Highschool
Francesc Tàrrega High School is located on the eastern part of the village, in an area of greater urban growth (framed between Ausiàs Marc Street and Joanot Martorell Street). Located in a central and well-communicated area by the proximity to Renfe station and intercity and county bus stops.
Our center opened on September 1, 1966. According to the idiosyncrasy of the time, it was conceived as two highschools, one male and one female, and the students accessed it through differentiated doors. This led to greater spaces and an amplitude which is surprising even today.

But most importantly, the center was born out of the will of people who wanted the best for their people. The higschool was necessary to vertebrate the cultural and academic life of Vila-real: it had to be what remains after the years, a cultural reference for the village. It was necessary that the young people of the village of Vila-real were not irretrievably forced to study in Castellón. With an enviable vision for the future, they designed it for more than 1,000 students. This has enabled the population to grow and the various educational reforms which have tested it at the time.
However, throughout its long life, the Francesc Tàrrega Highschool has undergone structural reforms that have adapted it to new needs. The last was during the 2000/2001 academic year, when we moved provisionally while the center was preparing for ESO, the new baccalaureates and the vocational training studies.
Until 2013-2014, the highschool housed in one of the areas of the courtyard eight prefabricated classrooms intended for the first course of the ESO, thus responding to the space needs that were still needed with the bulk of students that the center has. This course has installed all ESO first year classrooms in the building’s classrooms and only two provisional prefabricated classrooms remain. Instead, the house of the janitor, after the appropriate reforms, has also become a teaching area, as we have offices and classrooms for the communication and language classroom.