This project will lead the pupils to open up to difference, to engage in a citizen approach of mutual aid and will facilitate the inclusion of pupils with difficulties by relying on the training of the educational community in innovative practices or those already applied by our partners.

We expect this project to have an impact on participants not only in the area of language and relational skills, but also in terms of autonomy and self-confidence. The same applies to relationships within the educational community, where an evolution in the relationship between learners and staff members is expected, based on greater confidence. Moreover, innovative pedagogical practices and the installation of a specific classroom will in the long term allow the welcome of all and will be at that point to present them to other schools of our LEA board (Local Education Authority), even in other European countries.

Partner associations will have the opportunity to make themselves known, to encourage volunteers to engage in sharing activities with people with disabilities and to create an agreement with our school to give the following promotions the benefit of these same openings and experiences.

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