Podcast EOI and UMH Radio: A Taller Mountain - English literature written by female authors


Episodios disponibles

Episode 1: In this first episode we talk about Mary Shelley and her novel Frankenstein.

 Episode 2: In this  episode we talk about Agatha Christie, the QUEEN OF CRIME.

Episode 3: We talk about the amazing Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a novelist and an essayist of postcolonial feminist literature.

 Episode 4: last 19th October was WOMEN WRITERS' DAY...

 Episode 5: In this episode we pay homage to a fascinating Irish writer, EDNA O’BRIEN, who died in London last August at the age of 93. 

 Episode 6: In this episode we talk about the great feminist icon, VIRGINIA WOOLF


Lunes a viernes: 09:00h-14:00h

Tardes (solo octubre-junio):
Lunes y martes de 14:45 a 19:45


Lunes a jueves: 08:00h-21:00h

Viernes: 08:00h-14:00h


Calle Josep Lluís Barceló i Rodríguez Advocat, 1

03202 Elche (Alicante)

Tel.: 966912330

Email: 03012359.secretaria@edu.gva.es

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