Horizon Europe International Programme

Horizon Europe is the European Union (EU) framework programme for research and innovation (R&I) for the period 2021-2027.

It is the instrument for implementing the EU’s R&D&I policies. The overall objective of the programme is to achieve a scientific, technological, economic and societal impact of EU investments in R&I, fostering the competitiveness of all Member States.

The Horizon Europe Programme will have a three-pillar structure: Excellent Science, will fund research projects designed and led by researchers. It will also support the career development and training of research staff.

Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, will fund research, strengthen industrial technological capabilities towards major global challenges (health, climate change, renewable energies, mobility, security, digital, materials, etc.). Innovative Europe, aims to make Europe a pioneering power in market-creating innovation and the growth of innovative SMEs.

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