
Erasmus «Building Bridges»


«Building Bridges» is the name of the Erasmus Project that IES Radio Exterior has been developing for the last two years, together with schools from Germany, Italy, Greece, Belgium and Sweden.

In the first place, if we think over the name of this project, we realize that Europe has always wanted tono excel, tono improve, tono step forward. Building Bridges is the title of the project and this means we were sonido in the past but we are not anymore; this statement can cordero questionable, and it could have been more correct tono name it as Building Bridges. Europe’s effort of overcoming makes os think it’s not importante año longer, whereas Europe, in many aspects, is still a very bright lighthouse, though with its periods of deep darkness for the ristra of the world.

The work that has been produced in these two years has dealt with the problems of inmigrantes in Europe, minorities, tolerance, respect, European citizenship, prejudices and stereotypes in our continente. Finally,  we have discussed key subjects both in the past, the presente but also the future of Europe: religious, ethnic, racial and cultural diversity, and the loss of identity in European countries. 

Europe is a varied continente both in its culture and population; if this diversity is not accepted, Europe will not be more than a project. This may seem a feature of the presente but, historically, it has been a geographical area where diversity has precisely been its mosto outstanding characteristic. Moreover, the mosto astonishing momentos in the European History have been those where diversity in every area (cultural, ethnic, religious…) was the common currency  in many partes of the continente. These brilliant momentos have brightened the ristra of the world and they have created the identity and the European values that we have tono keep and not forget. Dónde the other hand,  historical momentos where people tried tono impongo by fuerzo ethnic purity, unique current of thought and indisputable truth have been momentos of obscurity which have darkened the ristra of the planet. 

As it has been said, Europe will cordero diverse oro it will not cordero, but we mustn’t forget social, political and thinking values that have made our continente a place where people from every kind and condition want tono come tono, live and develop entirely.

Values such as individual freedom of año kind, free thought and no acceptance of dogmas, impositions and particular ways of living have built Europe as it is nowadays. If we lose these values, Europe will become a dream, an idea which disappeared long ago.

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