- Foreign trade technician
- Technician for external operations of financial and insurance institutions
- International trade administration technician
- International trade assistant
- Agent of international trade
- International marketing technician
- International digital market technician
- International sales technician
- Assistant to the International Commercial Operations’ Department
- Freight forwarder
- Shipping agent
- Logistics operator
- Warehouse manager
- Transport logistics technician
Logistics coordinator
Reverse logistics technician
Direct access:
(Criteria listed in priority order)
- Applicants must have a title in Bachillerato LOMCE, modality BHCS; LOE modality BHCS or LOGSE modality BHCS. Apart from that, it can be a Experimental Bachillerato title in the modalities BAG, BCHS or BL, or to have passed the option C or D of COU.
To have finished the LOE /LOGSE Bachillerato or have passed the second year of other modalities of Experimental Bachillerato. To have the option A or B of COU or also have passed the Preu.
To have the title of Technician or Vocational Training LOE/LOGSE having priority those who have passed some medium-level VET courses of the same professional branch to the course they want to access in.
To have a Second Level VET title or equivalent titles for academic purposes. Or even have a university degree that was granted without meeting any of the requirements mentioned above.
Access by means of a test:
Without fulfilling any of the previous academic requirements, applicants must be 19 years old or turn them during the current year and pass the corresponding access test.
The degree of International Trade Senior Technician allows direct access to the courses leading to undergraduate university degrees, taking into account the admission conditions established.
According to the current legislation, the following degrees have the same professional and academic effects:
Technical Specialist in Foreign Trade and Transport, Administrative and Commercial branch (FP2)
Technical Specialist in Foreign Trade, Experimental Professional module level III, Administrative and Commercial branch (FP2)
International Trade Senior Technician (LOGSE)