Erasmus+ KA101-5E9AA260


Curso 19/20





Coeducación e Inclusión. Educando para ser.


After the publication of the decree 104/2018 of 27th July by "el Consell", by which the principles of equity and inclusion in the educational system are developed, we observe as a first need to eliminate discrimination and violence on the grounds of gender in schools. For this reason, we consider coeducational teacher training necessary to create safe, equal and violence-free environments, these being the main characteristics of inclusive schools.

Inclusion is one of the priority lines of the European Commission and the different governments. After the development of this decree, the department of Education of the Valencian Community is promoting training actions in order to raise awareness in the educational community of the importance of coexistence and equality in schools. Proof of this can be found in the coeducation master plan promoted by the Ministry of Education, Research, Culture and Sport itself, which seeks to move towards a model of coeducational, inclusive, egalitarian school that contributes to social transformation in the direction of a society free of gender discrimination and that prevents genderbased violence.

In order to make the aforementioned regulations effective, in the instructions for the organisation and operation of the centres that provide Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate during the 2018-2019 school year, it describes the functions of the coordinator of equality and coexistence, responsible for coordinating equality actions in educational centres. This person participates in specific training that is programmed from the teacher training service with the collaboration of the innovation and quality service.

In order to enrich the work of the coordinator of equality and coexistence, CEFIRE considered interesting the proposal of IES LA TORRETA in the creation of a consortium on school coexistence based on a co-educational point of view. In addition, it responds to the great demand for coexistence and co-education in secondary schools by establishing an important line of work in advising on inclusion and transition between stages, expanding training actions in these fields.

In order to make this proposal known to the rest of the centres, all the secondary schools in the area were summoned in order to find out their interest and predisposition in this respect. The response was enormously satisfactory and eight high schools in our area (affecting five localities) will participate in this consortium. IES LAS FUENTES, IES HERMANOS AMORÓS, IES BIAR, IES PACO MOLLÁ, IES MONASTIL, IES LA MELVA and IES LA MOLA. All of them consider collaboration between educational centres and participation in joint training actions to be necessary.

The main objectives pursued by the project are based on the deepening of key aspects related to coeducation, inclusion and prevention of gender violence within the coexistence plans of the centres.

A common theme at European level will be the creation of networks of coeducational centres that collaborate, contrast, broaden and enrich the actions, in order to improve the organisation in relation to coexistence, inclusion and coeducation.

The educational administration will support our Consortium, through SEPIE (Service for internationalisation and European programmes), the general subdirectorate for teacher training and the specific field of educational inclusion based in Valencia.

Among the planned actions, the following stand out:

  • The launch of a seminar for the consortium from CEFIRE in Elda and with the support of the teacher training service. This seminar will serve as the basis for structuring our entire project, since:
    • It will prepare for mobilities.
    • It will share the international experience lived in each of the mobilities.
    • It will deepen in the key aspects for the improvement of documentation and plans developed by the centres.
    • It will provide specific training actions with external speakers specialized in the subject.
    • It will self-train participants in the concepts of coeducation and gender-based violence.
    • It will establish procedures to sensitize the educational community on the theme of consortium.
  • The international mobilities to be carried out, based on training, observation and collaboration between centres and organisations in the European environment and in the field of the topics dealt with.
  • A final day on inclusion and coeducation will be held in order to publicise the work carried out and the impact on each centre.

This project will structure the long-term action of the centres towards the development of inclusion and coeducation within the common European framework, with the intention that collaboration will contribute to strengthening it.