The Canon to Fontenay


The trip made by the Canon G Band, music band of the IES Canónigo Manchón de Crevillent from March 26 to April 1, 2023, was carried out within the framework of the Erasmus Program of the European Union (2022-1-ES01-KA121 -SCH-000063301), to the city of Fontenay-le-Comte (France), twinned with Crevillente.

The help and management of the Fontaney-le-Conte Jumelage Committee has at all times been crucial to be able to carry out this mobility successfully, as well as that of the Lycée Françoise Rabelais, which welcomed us into its facilities and prepared different musical and cultural events, within a very intense agenda, among which we can highlight the following:

  • Visit to the cities of Fontenay le Comte, La Rochelle, Coulon and Nantes
  • I meet local musicians, such as the accordionist Stéphane Le Lan, or Christine Métay-Seguy, organist of the Notre-Dame church.
  • Meeting with Jean-Luc Ouvrard, sound engineer, to prepare for the concerts.
  • Interpretation of early music pieces from a repertoire related to Spain by local musicians.
  • Visit of the royal abbey of Nieul sur l’Autize, with a virtual immersion in the life of the 16th century. XII.
  • Improvisation workshop with students from the music conservatory.
  • Concert by the Canon G Band at the Thag Bar, Fontenay-Le-Compte.
  • Concert by the Canon G Band for students of the Rabelais high school in the center’s assembly hall and Open Stage with other musicians and students.