
Visit of students 1st Baccalaurate to Athénée Royal Institute, Brussels.

From 26th to 30th April, 2023, 12 students from the 1st Baccalaureate of Humanities and Social Sciences, accompanied by their teachers Juan Luis Martínez and Enrique Alfonso, participated in a mobility within the Erasmus+ programme together with the Athénée Royal Institute of Brussels 2 as a hosting institution.

There they visited some key institutions in the European Union, such as the European Parliament and the Hemicycle, and the landmarks of Brussels. Through joint debates and colloquiums between the students and teachers of the two schools, they learned about and reflected on the creation of the European Union, its stages, treaties, its role in democracy, in fundamental freedoms, peace and the State of Law for more than half a century, as well as the challenges that it will have to face in a global world.

Although before the visit the students worked on all these topics in class, the experience helped them to learn about them first-hand, develop a critical spirit and promote social relationships between students from different countries, as well as many other social skills that this type of mobility involves.